(Cheryl Krichbaum) – “If HR 3755 passes the Senate, it won’t matter if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade,“ said Cheryl Krichbaum, the award-winning author of ReTested: The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation. “Call your two Senators today to urge them to vote ‘NO!’”
HR 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021, was passed by the House of Representatives in late September and is now before the Senate while the Supreme Court is ruling on Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case that could overturn Roe v Wade.
As Live Action noted, the Act would remove any and all state and federal protections of the unborn, “making elective abortion at any stage of pregnancy the law in every state regardless of past, present or future pro-life laws passed by individual states or the United States Congress.”
While pro-lifers watch the Supreme Court, pro-abortion organizations such as NARAL and Planned Parenthood Action Fund are urging their supporters to contact their Senators in support of the Act.
The Act begins by saying that abortion services are essential to healthcare. “Abortion is not healthcare,” said Kathi A. Aultman, MD FACOG and Associate Scholar with Charlotte Lozier Institute. Dr. Aultman is both a former abortionist and a post-abortive woman herself.
“When I worked in the ER, we would treat women who had complications after abortion, but my notes were never reported for statistical analysis because the state didn’t require it,” she said. “You can say anything is safe if you don’t keep records.”
The Act goes on to say that abortion services have been deficient in the U.S. for people of color. “That’s never been the case!” Halima B Griffin, MA Public Policy and certified leader of Surrendering the Secret said emphatically.
“That’s how Planned Parenthood got started — to control our population. Reproductive justice wants to keep us enslaved. I’m tired of this narrative. We are not victims.”
“Reproductive justice is a disguise that wants to continue the conversation that black people are oppressed,” Griffin continued. “Far too many black people believe we are victims because the system has fed that to us for far too many years. We must start viewing ourselves as victors instead of victims.”
The Act refers to abortion restriction as misogyny, but Krichbaum said, “I see the complete opposite. I see abortion as misogynistic. Many post-abortive women — and even women considering abortion — say their baby daddies coerced them into abortion. There’s nothing more misogynistic than suppressing the very thing that only women’s bodies can do.”
Although Krichbaum, Aultman, and Griffin have all had abortions, they have been healed and now advocate for life, the lives of babies and women.
“How can abortion be a fundamental right if its victims are never given the opportunity to exercise it themselves?” asked Jennifer Milbourn, survivor of a vacuum aspiration abortion.
“Abortion denies women their agency — and denies another human a life. Abortion is not healthcare and shouldn’t be considered a woman’s ‘right.’ Every life has the right to live. As a survivor of an abortion attempt, I do not support the Women’s Health Protection Act.”
“As a post-abortive African American woman, I do not support the Women’s Health Protection Act,” said Griffin.
“As a former abortionist, I do not support the Women’s Health Protection Act,” said Dr. Aultman.
“As a post-abortive woman, I do not support the Women’s Health Protection Act,” said Krichbaum. “When the Supreme Court overturns Roe, you can bet pro-abortion groups will rally support for HR 3755.”
Reprinted with permission from Cheryl Krichbaum