Tell Canadian leaders to fire officer who unjustly arrested reporter
(LifeSiteNews) — By now you may have heard the news about a Canadian journalist having been arrested aggressively by a federal officer while trying to ask Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland a question.
Appearing on Andrew Lawton’s daily show for True North, Menzies quipped that he would liken Canada to a “banana republic, except of course, we don’t grow bananas in Canada,” so he added humorously that we could “call it a maple syrup republic under Trudeau.”
“He ambushed me, he initiated the physical contact”: David Menzies tells Andrew Lawton that Canada is becoming a banana republic under Justin Trudeau, following his arrest for asking Chrystia Freeland a question.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) January 9, 2024
As was reported by LifeSiteNews, David Menzies, aka “The Menzoid,” of Rebel News was questioning Freeland in media scrum fashion on Monday — walking beside her with a microphone trying to get an answer — when he accidentally bumped into the Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer who was acting as security detail for the Deputy PM. In a video posted by Rebel News that has now garnered almost 15 million views, it is obvious that Menzies was simply trying to question Freeland when he avoided walking into a pole, only to be met by the officer who conveniently placed himself in his path.
BREAKING: Rebel News reporter David Menzies (@TheMenzoid) was brutally arrested by police after he tried to ask Chrystia Freeland questions.
Visit Rebel News for more on this story:
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) January 8, 2024
Menzies was attempting to ask her questions about Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and why the group has not been given a terrorist designation by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, of which she is second in command.
The who’s who in Canadian conservative politics — including Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre and People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier — have chimed in and expressed their dismay. Poilievre stated that this sort of treatment of the non-liberal press is par for the course after “after 8 years of Trudeau,” and Bernier likened the incident to something reminiscent of Nazi “brownshirts” who “provoke fake incidents to arrest independent journalists asking questions to ministers.”
Even Elon Musk added his opinion to the mix and came out on Menzies’ side, saying it was “false to say that he deliberately assaulted an officer.”
Are we surprised?
Given what we know about the incident — Menzies was not ultimately charged with anything, by the way — are we really so surprised that this happened?
Freeland is the woman who headed up the bogus freezing of truckers’ assets after they heroically stood up to the government during the Freedom Convoy, and she coopted federal law enforcement in order to do it.
Whether we want to call Canada a Banana Republic or a Maple Syrup Republic, we can all agree that whatever we may presuppose would constitute “democracy” in the Great White North is nothing but a figment of our imagination.
The mainstream media in Canada is quite literally funded by the Canadian government, either directly through the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, or indirectly through the various grants that are thrown at the big-name outlets that need more and more cash to stay afloat amid an organic decline in interest.
Those outside Canada may be unaware of the grip that the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications authority (CRTC) has over what is allowed to be broadcast on Canadian airways. Simply put, it is virtually impossible for any legitimate conservative or independent broadcaster to get on the mainstream airways for a number of reasons that amount to an insurmountable cost of doing business.
During the reign of COVID, this is the main reason why no dissenting voices were aired to the general public. As detestable as Fox News can be in the U.S., Americans were blessed to be able to tune into Tucker Carlson. And even on a Fox program when there is a rube of a host, given the conservative-friendly leanings of the network, it was at least common to see criticism of lockdowns and vaccine mandates on every show, with politicians like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem given air time.
This is essentially impossible in Canada and would never happen.
This is what the Liberals and the NDP want
Speaking of media rubes, former NDP MP Matthew Dube (nomen est omen) was on the state-funded broadcaster and opined — without any evidence or facts to back up his claims — that Menzies was “deliberately being confrontational with security” before he was arrested. His rationale? Well, he went on to spew verbal diarrhea about how Menzies was trying to drum up a fake controversy in order to fundraise from a “particular audience.”
Matthew Dube, a former NDP MP, tells CBC’s Power & Politics panel he thinks David Menzies was “deliberately being confrontational with security” before he was arrested for asking Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland questions.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) January 10, 2024
Now, I may be a bit jaded after covering this regime for a few years, but it seems to me that Mr. Rube, er, Dube, is a bit of a hypocrite. He is criticizing Menzies and Rebel News without any justification, I might add, for drumming up a controversy in order to appeal to a base so that they may receive monetary support. Did Dube go through politician school and never learn the ins and outs of politics?
Last time I checked, politicians do exactly what this NDP rube accuses Menzies of doing. They create controversies and then blast them all over the media, and then send out emails and hold fundraisers where they talk about these fake controversies in order to get more money to do more of the same thing so they can be in power.
Even if Menzies was guilty of this same tactic — which he is not — it tells you everything you need to know about the integrity, or lack thereof, of Canadian left-wing politicians when they accuse their media adversaries of immorality for doing the exact same thing they do for a living. Again, even if Menzies was guilty, at least he doesn’t use these tactics so he can change laws and policies that afflict tens of millions of people.
What’s in a name?
That this has happened with Freeland at the heart of the scandal could not be more apropos. For one, her surname is literally freeland, which is rich considering she may be the most tyrannical henchwoman — are we allowed to assume the gender of Liberal politicians or is that a hate crime? — in the Trudeau regime. This land that encompasses everything from the seas of the Maritimes to the Great Lakes to the salmon fisheries of the Pacific has become anything but “free” since she waltzed into Ottawa with her ill-fitting dresses and Converse sneakers.
What is amazing is that she has publicly stated multiple times that she and her government are committed to the free press and freedom of speech as fundamental rights.
On one occasion, she said, “We have to work together in order to ensure that journalists can carry out their work in all safety and without any kind of worry for reprisals.”
“We have to work together in order to ensure that journalists can carry out their work in all safety and without any kind of worry for reprisals.” -Chrystia Freeland
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) January 9, 2024
I guess she was referring to journalists who don’t ask her tough questions.
On another occasion, she described freedom of the press as “an essential human right” and “an essential element in making democracy strong.”
FLASHBACK: Chrystia Freeland describes freedom of the press as “an essential human right” and “an essential element in making democracy strong.”
Our reporter David Menzies was arrested yesterday after asking Freeland a question.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) January 9, 2024
But this is par for the course with her family history, given that her grandfather operated a Nazi propaganda rag for the Third Reich before his progeny carried on the same schtick in a land that Freeland works to make it look more and more like 1930s Germany than the Canada I grew up in.
This is the granddaughter of a former Nazi and the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Chrystia Freeland.
This isn’t a coincidence.
This is the face of modern-day Tyranny.
She belongs in Prison.
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) January 10, 2024
If that wasn’t enough, her mom started a legal group in Ukraine funded by George Soros.
There is no evidence that Chrystia Freeland herself is a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer, but Canadians have a right to know that the minister who co-opted the power of the banking system to punish Freedom Convoy participants and who uses federal law enforcement to avoid answering questions comes from a family that has been politically active with some of the worst people on earth for decades.
Tell Canadian leaders to fire officer who unjustly arrested reporter