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July 18, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — For 12 years before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex “marriage” in 2015, I wrote and lectured extensively on why this development would be fraught with peril. I even recorded a three CD set on the topic for Catholic Answers in 2011.

As the General Counsel for the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) in California, I also campaigned extensively for the passage of Proposition 8. This State Constitutional Amendment passed with a majority vote in liberal California, as did similar ones in 30 other states. Yet, by a mere vote of 5-4, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all of those state constitutional amendments, and with them the votes of the millions of Americans who saw the value in preserving traditional marriage.

In just two years since that disastrous decision, everything that we had warned about has come to pass, and more. First, homosexuality has been normalized, and now the act of sodomy is even being promoted to teenage girls by a popular magazine

Second, the concept of gender itself is being destroyed as children are encouraged to “choose” between whether they want to be either a boy or girl, or neither. School boys, masquerading as girls, are now using the girls' bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers, and vice versa. See the numerous articles and studies in the “News” and “Resources” Section of this website

Third, those who oppose same-sex “marriage” and sexual anarchy on religious grounds, are being marginalized and penalized for their sincerely held beliefs. See the dozens of examples in Sections 3 and 4 of this Religious Discrimination Report.

Fourth, marriage rates overall are in a state of serious decline. And those rates are even lower for same-sex couples.

These events dramatically illustrate something else we warned about: same-sex “marriage” was never really about marrying the person you “love.” Rather, it was always about  pushing for the complete societal acceptance of virtually all forms of deviant sexual practices. This even includes sado-masochism, as depicted in the blockbuster film.

Hence, the religious ideal of a traditional marriage between a man and a woman, consisting of lifelong fidelity and the raising of children, is no longer recognized as worth pursuing by many in our society. And as the militant left celebrates perversity and the decline of the nuclear family, the foundation of our society is crumbling all around us. Although same-sex “marriage” was the militant left's crowning and most damaging achievement, the dismantling of our nation's Judeo-Christian foundation has always been their long-term goal. Fortunately, for true believers, there will always be hope for personal, if not societal redemption. Although much of what the militant left has to offer appeals to the base instincts of many, we know that we are all made in the image and likeness of God, and we all still have a spiritual nature. Therefore, we are all called to higher and nobler aspirations.

Although many will succumb to the seductions of our corrupt culture, and will ultimately be brought to despair and destruction, those who seek a better way will still be able to find one. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” What is more, our merciful Lord promised that he will not leave us spiritual orphans, and the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. So we, the Church Militant, soldier on, saving as many as we can along the way.

Charles S. LiMandri is the President and Chief Counsel of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, a national nonprofit law firm that specializes in religious liberty cases particularly at the trial court level. Mr. LiMandri is double board certified and is licensed to practice in California, New York, Washington, D.C. and before the United States Supreme Court. The FCDF website is www.consciencedefense.org