December 15, 2016 (VoxCantor) — Sexual indoctrination is an attack on parental rights, family. marriage and children’s souls. Let's connect the dots to see how we have arrived at this moral abyss, a ravine which is putting children and families at risk both physically and spiritually. The moral devastation of the sexual revolution of the 1960s has transformed itself into today's radical sex “education” programs. Let's examine some of the evidence.
The Vatican
At the last World Youth Day held in Poland, 2016, the Vatican released a radical sex education program. To the shock of many, the goal of the program contradicts past Church teaching on marriage, family and life. The program is called “The Meeting Point: Course for Affective Sexual Education for Young people.” It's an explicit sexual program that is the direct fallout from Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia. The program is illustrated with a number of what can only be called pornographic photos.
What's wrong with it? There are so many things. To begin, it teaches about gender identity…a concept which is totally anti-Catholic because it rejects the biological and divine idea that human beings are made in the image of God, and created male and female. Instead, the Vatican program pushes the notion that parents are to make sure that their children are instructed in sexual education. But the program undermines parental rights by telling parents to let institutions do the sexual teaching not that parents are the prime educators of their children. There is no mention of sexual sins or the breaking of the 6th and 9th commandments. Basically, the Vatican has surrendered to the modern comprehensive sex education buzzword which is being pushed by all Western countries.
Ontario, Canada
In Ontario, Canada the radical sex curriculum began in earnest in 2009 with a school policy called, “Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.” This was followed in 2015 by the provincial Liberal government release of the Physical Heath and Education program that contains a very radical sex curriculum. The controversial contents are now protected by law with Bill 13, the Accepting Schools Act.” In short, the policy, the sex curriculum and the law establish gay/straight student clubs in both Catholic and public schools. Ontario schools must teach and recognize gender, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity. Children in elementary grades learn about genitalia, masturbation, sexual consent, anal sex, oral sex, condom use, sexual pleasure and how to make a sexual plan. Many Ontario parents have protested the sex curriculum because it violates parental rights and religious freedom. In fact, 186,000 parents signed petitions against the curriculum which were presented in the legislature. But the government has refused to listen and will not even allow parents to withdraw their children from any section of the curriculum even if contradicts family values and beliefs.
Ontario Bishops
In 2016, the Ontario Catholic Secondary Curriculum Policy Document: for Grades 9-12, Religious Education prepared by the Institute for Catholic Education and approved by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario was released. The policy document states that Catholic religious courses will include the topics of gender, sexual orientation, homophobia, gender identity and expression. It's on pages 51-52 of the document, under the headings: “Healthy Relationships and Religious Education” and “Equity and Inclusive Religious Education.” The bottom line is this: the Ontario bishops have surrendered and have now given the green light to the 2015 Government sex curriculum which undermines parental rights, puts children's bodies, minds and souls at risk. It is a sex education program that totally contradicts Catholic teaching on the person, family, marriage and sexuality. The bishops must have been reading from the liberal pages of the Vatican's sex curriculum.
Ontario Courts Overruling Parental Rights
In November 2016, after a four year costly legal battle, an Ontario judge ruled against a father who had gone to court to defend his parental rights and religious freedom. Dr. Steve Tourloukis took the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to court in 2012. He simply wanted the school to inform him of class lessons dealing with the sex curriclum that contradicted his Greek-Orthodox faith so that he could keep his children at home. The judge's verdict is no.
In his argument, the judge makes a statement that should concern all parents in the province. He agreed that parental rights must be respected. However, there is a limit. Judge Reid writes, “I do not take the position of the applicant that his authority over his children and their education supersedes the law. Rather, the applicant seeks a declaratory order to support his claim that he can assert his Charter and Code rights without the Board responding by asserting a superior level of authority when it comes to the education of his children.” The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario Human Rights Code are supposed to protect religious freedom. However, the judge decided that “a superior level of authority” trumps parental rights and religious liberty. Readers can get more information about this terrible decision by going to the Parental Rights in Education Defence Fund.
The United Nations
The same radical comprehensive sex education is being pushed by the United Nations around the world. The UN website nicely describes it as “helping young people to explore and nurture positive values regarding their sexual and reproductive health. This education includes discussions about family life, relationships, culture and gender roles, and also addresses human rights, gender equality, and threats such as discrimination and sexual abuse.” For many years, the United Nations has been advocating for universal sexual education. They have tried to go even further by suggesting that sexual rights is a universal human right, like the right to food, clean air and water! Note how sex education includes “gender roles” which means that children should be taught about sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. There is never a mention about the important role of parents. What's happening is that children are being taught the secular vocabulary of sex and this will change their thinking and then of course, their behaviour.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in Article 26, (3) states: “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.” The Church too has always defended the rights of parents to direct their children's education. Past governments have respected this. Sadly, today, the state, the schools, the courts and even the Church can no longer be trusted to defend children and parents against an anti-moral attack that is relentlessly coming at them from many sides, disguised as sex “education,” “equity and tolerance” and “sexual rights.” These radical sex programs have nothing to do with education. They are sexual indoctrination that attack children, morally, spiritually, psychologically and spiritually. They necessarily attack parental rights, family and marriage. We are in a spiritual cultural war and children are being abused on so many fronts. Parents need to get informed and do all that they can to protect the souls of their children
Reprinted with permission from Vox Cantoris.