December 5, 2016 (PregnancyHelpNews) — Hollywood may be too afraid to tell the truth about abortion, but the same doesn’t go for AlphaCare, a pro-life medical clinic set to relocate its services just a wall away from Gosnell’s former office this December.
AlphaCare’s move, slated for Dec. 19, will mark a significant step for the pregnancy center and two of its leaders—Karen Hess and Kim Bennett—who have been praying and planning to bring hope and healing to the neighborhood since 2011.
Having served women since 1981 within just a few miles of the Lancaster Ave. site it will now call home, AlphaCare is bringing its free ultrasounds, free pregnancy testing, options counseling, post-abortive healing, parenting education and more to many of the same women on whom Gosnell preyed for three decades.
A major impetus for Hess and Bennett—herself post-abortive—is to help women and families in the immediate area heal after so many years of oppression, and an estimated 40,000 lives lost through abortion.
“There is a darkness in what took place in that neighborhood and the impact of that business in that corner of the city,” Bennett told Pregnancy Help News in January. “To be able to go in there and begin to redeem it, even from our two row homes, is huge. It’s huge to be able to be a light in an area where there was so much darkness.”
Suppressing the “Controversial” Truths of Abortion and Murder
For over 30 years prior to his arrest and ensuing convictions in 2013—which included three guilty verdicts of murder in the first degree—Gosnell operated what one government investigator famously called a “House of Horrors.”
At Gosnell’s clinic, babies were not only routinely killed after they were born alive, but conditions were so unsanitary and medical attention so derelict that at least one woman, Karnamaya Mongar, died after a botched procedure at his clinic.
While media coverage of the trial and gruesome details uncovered in the investigation of Gosnell’s practice has been scant to say the least—a trend famously called out during the trial by syndicated columnist Kirsten Powers—Wednesday marked another milestone in the media’s ongoing blackout of the story.
As Mollie Hemingway pointed out this summer at The Federalist, one of the few reporters who covered the case from the courtroom tweeted, “Sat through a full day of testimony at the Kermitt (sic) Gosnell trial today. It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror. It will change you.”
In an email to supporters Wednesday, producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney announced that, after having shown their film to “every major distributor in Hollywood,” not one of those companies would agree to move forward on a deal, citing the “controversial” nature of the movie.
Starring Nick Searcy and Dean Cain, a record-breaking 30,000 individual supporters sponsored the entirety of the film’s $2.3 million-plus budget at The producers had originally started a campaign to raise the money, before that site censored their project.
“The Best Film About Abortion Ever Made”
While McAleer told Breitbart News’ Daniel Nussbaum he is kept by non-disclosure agreements from telling which distributors refused to move forward with the film, test screenings “scored off the charts.”
Pro-life advocate David Daleiden, whose three-year undercover research revealed the abortion industry’s illegal underground market in the body parts of aborted babies in 2015, said it “is the best film about abortion ever made.”
Intentionally lacking any graphic scenes or unnecessary depictions, the film is rated PG-13, accomplishing a major goal of the production team to remove any legitimate obstacles to its release, per Nussbaum’s report.
“Hollywood's refusal to distribute the Gosnell movie is a politically-motivated double standard because the Gosnell movie is a true story and it shines a negative spotlight on abortion,” the producers wrote in Wednesday morning’s email.
“But we are not going to give up. At every point in the story of Dr. Kermit Gosnell the establishment have tried to suppress the truth. They suppressed the truth when he was operating his house of horrors and killing women and children.”
McAleer and McElhinney are planning to release the film independently, and have released a book, “Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer,” which available for pre-order at, Barnes & Noble and Books a Million.
In the meantime—and for the long run—AlphaCare, which recently added a mobile ultrasound unit to its suite of services, is ready to write a new story in Philadelphia.
This August, a Christian social services agency that works closely with a local pregnancy center bought and converted an abortion clinic formerly owned by notorious abortionist James Pendergraft in Ocala, Fla.
Former abortion clinics turned into life-affirming pregnancy centers in recent years include two in Iowa—including one former Planned Parenthood clinic—two in Miami, one in Toledo, Ohio, and a former flagship Planned Parenthood building in Bryan, Texas, that now houses both 40 Days for Life and a pregnancy help medical clinic.
Reprinted with permission from Pregnancy Help News.