(LifeSiteNews) – I don’t have too many memories of Sister Wilhelmina since I was younger when I met her. I was in her first grade CCD class when the Benedictine sisters used to reside in Scranton, Pennsylvania and attend our parish. But I do remember that she always had a smile on her face and was a very sweet and quiet person.
My siblings and I have always enjoyed saying her name. It has a certain ring to it, and we loved saying it over and over. That’s probably one of the reasons why she has always held a place in my memories through all of these years.
I wish I could remember more from her CCD class, but I do recall that she was a very gentle teacher. At the end of a lesson, she gave me a holy card that she had made which I have kept all these years in my childhood memory box. Needless to say, I was very excited to hear the recent news of her incorrupt body! I was also excited that I was able to find the holy card that she had given to me and put it in a special place in my room.
I consider myself very blessed to have met her and am hoping that she can be an intercessor for me and my family. I am very happy that she is, God willing, enjoying the happiness of heaven with her Bridegroom, Christ!