May 22, 2019 (American Thinker) — Remember when activists on the Supreme Court made same-sex “marriage” in essence the law of the land? Elated, Obama said, “Love wins!” He celebrated the unconstitutional destruction of the God-ordained sacred institution of marriage by ordering that the White House be lit in rainbow colors. Leftists decreed that the LGBTQ lifestyle is a “beautiful thing” that Americans had better embrace or suffer severe punishment.
Shockingly, Christian churches began embracing same-sex “marriage.” Ignoring the Bible (Leviticus 18:22), deceived and cowardly pastors said, “Love is love. It's a beautiful thing.”
I did an internet search for pictures of gay pride parades. I could hardly believe my eyes: men wearing giant genital costumes, nudity, men mock-performing various sex acts on each other. Such public debauchery would normally get one arrested. Because it was happening during a gay pride parade, city officials and police ignored it.
I thought, “Okay, if this lifestyle is such a 'beautiful thing,' why not share the reality of it with the world?” I posted a few gay pride parade pictures on my website. Christian and conservative friends said, “Oh my gosh, has Lloyd lost his mind?” My response was, “Why are you guys upset with me? Christians and conservatives have surrendered to leftists' lie that the LGBTQ lifestyle is a beautiful thing. I'm simply sharing the beauty.”
I was severely criticized by my associates and even called a hater by LGBTQ enforcers for simply posting pictures of their gross public behavior. While beating up on me, none of my Christian and conservative friends dared to express any criticism of gay pride parade participants performing vulgar sex acts live in front of thousands of parade-watchers. Somehow, I was the bad guy for posting pictures.
In response to the Supreme Court dismantling marriage, LGBTQ enforcer George Takei gleefully said this is only the beginning. LGBTQ enforcers have been engaged in a well orchestrated marketing campaign to ban biblical morality for decades.
In 1987, homosexual activist Steve Warren published a chilling article titled “Warning to the homophobes.”
Henceforth, homosexuality will be spoken of in your churches and synagogues as an “honorable estate.”
You can either let us marry people of the same sex [sic], or better yet abolish marriage altogether. You will be expected to offer ceremonies that bless our sexual arrangements[.] … You will also instruct your people in homosexual as well as heterosexual behavior, and you will go out of your way to make certain that homosexual youths are allowed to date, attend religious functions together, openly display affection, and enjoy each others [sic] sexuality without embarrassment or guilt.
If any of the older people in your midst object, you will deal with them sternly, making certain they renounce their ugly and ignorant homophobia or suffer public humiliation.
You will also make certain that laws are passed forbidding discrimination against homosexuals and heavy punishments are assessed[.] …
Finally, we will in all likelihood, want to expunge a number of passages from your Scriptures and rewrite others, eliminating preferential treatment of marriage and using words that will allow for homosexual interpretation of passages describing biblical lovers such as Ruth and Boaz or Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
Warning: If all these things do not come to pass quickly, we will subject Orthodox Jews and Christians to the most sustained hatred and vilification in recent memory.
We have captured the liberal establishment and the press. We have already beaten you on a number of battlefields.
You have neither the faith nor the strength to fight us, so you might as well surrender now.
LGBTQ enforcer and homosexual Democrat congressman David Cicilline is sponsor of the Equality Act. Cicilline's evil bill is the most aggressive assault on our constitutional religious liberties in U.S. history. The Equality Act is fully supported by House Democrats. If the Equality Act becomes the law of the land, every outrageous, tyrannical demand in LBGTQ enforcer Steve Warren's 1987 article will become reality.
Please help our faithful Christian patriots at Liberty Counsel fight to stop H.R. 5/S. 788 (Equality Act). Please sign their petition.
Decades of turning a blind eye and passivity have gotten us into this mess. We are on the verge of government forcing Christians to betray Christ, to kneel in worship to the false god of LGBTQ. Foolishly, Christians still believe if we are simply nice enough and ignore biblical teachings, LGBTQ enforcers will end their vitriolic quest to ban Christianity.
When the land that God promised Israel was occupied by giants, only Joshua and Caleb believed that God would help them defeat the giants and claim their land.
Brother and sister Americans, LBGTQ giants are occupying our land. We must believe that God will help us defeat them. Quoting Joshua, I say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
I eventually removed what leftists describe as “beautiful” gay pride parade pictures from my website, uncomfortable with the ugliness, vulgarity, and satanic debauchery.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth
Published with permission from the American Thinker.