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Help CCBR expose the truth about abortion: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — Democrat politicians in the US are doubling down on protecting “abortion rights,” and the EU parliament wants to add “safe and legal” abortion to its rights charter following the US Supreme Courts’ decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The restriction of abortion anywhere in the West means “code red” for Cultural Marxists who wish to destroy the traditional family and uphold the outcomes of the sexual revolution. But why is that the case? Why is it so hard for people to accept the scientific facts about human life in the womb and draw the correct moral conclusions from them? 

It is because they know that if they accept that abortion is murder, they would have to reconsider the way they think about sexual relations between men and women. Ever since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, it has been a mainstream belief that one can have “sex without consequences”. 

The thinking process goes something like this: Sexual intercourse is just a fun activity, and it frees humans of unnecessary boundaries. People in the past have reserved sex for marriage only because they were rigid and held superstitious beliefs. And now that contraception is readily available, we also need not worry about the consequence of unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, you can have sex with whomever you want without any serious consequences. 

This thinking is fallacious on many different levels. First of all, there are spiritual consequences to engaging in fornication, as one is committing a mortal sin and therefore putting one’s soul in danger of eternal damnation. While this is the most severe consequence for the person committing fornication, a non-Christian may disregard the spiritual consequences as he considers it mere superstition. 

READ: Three Republicans join Democrats to pass bill enabling sale of abortion drugs to pro-life states

However, on a natural level the promise of “sex without consequences” is also a lie. There are psychological and emotional consequences to having intercourse with someone. The human body releases hormones including the neurohormones oxytocin and vasopressin during the sexual act that lead to an emotional bond between the partners, even with just one act of intercourse. An article by Dr. Freda Bush and Dr. Joe McIlhaney summarizes the problems that arise from this: 

In marriage, that is a good thing because you will stay attached to each other. Children are reproduced and you bond to those children, care for them, and help them grow up, and our human race survives. But if you are 14 years old and have had 14 partners and are still attached in some way to all 14 of them, you create problems.

All of this results in actual physical changes in the brain. When these hormones flow and send their impulses, they dramatically affect connections or synapses between the neurons in the brain. Those synapses actually are strengthened when we repeat a behavior or they are weakened when we stop. So, when you repeatedly attach and detach with multiple sexual partners, you actually weaken the ability to stay connected. Studies have shown that when people have had multiple sexual partners before marriage they are more likely to divorce because they actually weaken the pathways that are necessary to attach at the deep and necessary emotional level important for marriage. 

Last but not least, there is of course the possibility of becoming pregnant when you have sexual intercourse. Even if you act against the natural telos (end) of the sexual act by using contraception, no contraceptive prevents pregnancy 100% of the time. Also, in practice, many people engage in casual premarital sex when they are drunk or under the influence of drugs and oftentimes don’t use contraception properly or at all in these situations. This leads to a high number of unwanted pregnancies, and since people were promised casual sex without any real consequences, the only way to seemingly fulfill that promise is to offer abortion to pregnant women. 

When the possibility of killing the unwanted child in the womb is gone, then the lie of “sex without consequences” falls apart and people need to reconsider the post-modern norms of sexual relations between men and women. One would only want to have sexual intercourse inside a committed relationship. In fact, it should be a commitment for life, since you would want to raise the children that are created with your partner and support each other with all the challenges and responsibilities that come with that. This commitment for a lifetime between a man and woman for the begetting and raising of children is, of course, what is known as traditional marriage. 

READ: Living the virtue of chastity is the path to a ‘fulfilled life’: Catholic bishop

Without abortion, the traditional family is the only way to go. The Left and other proponents of the sexual revolution know this. That is why they are fighting tooth and nail for the “right” to kill one’s own child. The Supreme Court’s decision could be the beginning of the end for the culture of death and the false promises of the sexual revolution.

Help CCBR expose the truth about abortion: LifeFunder

