February 15, 2012 (LiveAction.org) – Good nap! I had a dream I was on a jet ski. It pretty much ruled.
Ok, TV time. What is she gonna watch today? Please Mom put it on “Top Shot,” please Mom put it on “Top Shot,” please Mom put it on –
Aww, man, “The View?!” Seriously?! That is completely uncool. I am totally gonna make you crave something gross later… Peanut butter and gravy. Yeah. That sounds terrible.
Turn it, Mom, please! If you don’t I’m gonna start asking for a tattoo when I’m, like, twelve.
Ok, she’s not gonna change it. At least it’s not “Jersey Shore.” Let’s see what the View ladies are talking about today. Oooh, the Sonogram Law. This should be interesting!
Oh hey, the pretty blonde lady’s taking my side. That’s cool!
But then the older lady who talks funny says:
I think that in order to even think about having an abortion, to give up a child that is obviously unwanted, that’s why you’re doing it…with so much fear of what you’re doing and guilt…then to have to go and be forced to hear, to see the fetus, to hear the heartbeat, to put more guilt on you, I think is heartbreaking.
Wow. Really, lady? You know what I think is heartbreaking? The idea that a mother could go in and have her child put to death without ever knowing it was a child. She might be lucky enough to live the rest of her life never knowing I was more than a “clump of cells,” but what if she finds out a year later, or a month later, that at eight weeks her baby had a heart beat, had arms and legs? Never mind the baby. Isn’t it cruel to keep the truth from a mother?
Here goes the loud red-headed lady:
It smacks of forcing somebody to confront something that they have already decided they don’t want to deal with.
You know, I may be just a dumb blob of tissue but even I know that when someone has surgery they have to tell you right to your face that you might have a stroke or die under anesthesia. You might not want to deal with that either, but it’s a medical fact. The doctor has to notify you that stroke or death are a possible consequence of the procedure. Ending a life is a definite consequence of abortion. Shouldn’t women be made aware of that?
My mom had a mole removed, so she had to sign a paper acknowledging she knew they were removing a mole. It makes sense that she would have to acknowledge it if they were removing, well, me.
Okay here goes the black lady with the cool braidy hair. Considering so many black babies get killed by abortions, maybe she’ll be on my side.
With an elective surgery — got to take my gallbladder out — they’re not going to show you the gallbladder! If you want to see stuff, you ask your doctor. The thing that bothers me is what Barbara said, women who make this decision, it is not easy…sometimes they have to have an abortion because they can’t afford it. This does not come with anyone saying, you know, if you keep the baby we’ll help you out financially.
Aw, man! I’m so disappointed! She’s against me, too!
Thing is: people aren’t lied to about what a gallbladder is. They are lied to about what their embryo or fetus is. If they weren’t, this law wouldn’t bother so many people. The whole point of the sonogram is to help women understand: I’m not a blob or a clump anymore than The View ladies are. I have eyelids and tastebuds and toes. I hiccup and yawn and smile. Last time, I checked, gallbladders don’t do that. People do.
Click “like” if you want to end abortion!
And, by the way, the only reason this decision doesn’t come with someone saying “if you keep the baby we’ll help you out financially” is because they’re at an abortion clinic. If they were at a crisis pregnancy center, they’d get all kinds of help.
Oh hey look! Another black lady! Maybe she’ll have my back!
I’m speaking as a girl who had a lot of abortions and I swear to God if they had showed me a fetus I possibly wouldn’t have but I would have put my child in a lot of situations that wouldn’t have been good because I didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with having a child. It was real difficult…it’s such a hard thing.
Wow… that’s really sad. This poor lady has lost lots of babies. She admits the law might have worked — she might not have had abortions if she’d known what she was doing. Those kids may have had a hard life for a while, but look! Their mom is doing pretty well now, huh? She went from having abortions because she didn’t feel like she could be a mom to appearing on TV for millions of people every day. I guess you could say it’s a good thing she had a chance at life. Too bad those children didn’t. It’s a tragedy.
People keep talking about how hard sonograms are on women. How about how hard an abortion is on us? Ultrasounds might be really uncomfortable to a woman who wants to abort, but nowhere near as uncomfortable as an abortion to the mother or the child.
Not only does showing those ladies our pictures give them information, show them what they would not be told by the clinics who only want their money, but it sometimes make them change their minds. And if it doesn’t, at least they know the truth. Don’t they deserve that? Isn’t it condescending to decide for them that they can’t handle it?
I keep hearing that women who go ahead with the procedure feel “punished.” Well, at the risk of sounding callous, who cares? Shouldn’t they feel a little punished? They just ended a life. I’d rather them feel punished now, and maybe start healing and changing their lives and making better decisions that don’t kill babies and make them sad, than just continuing to hurt themselves and their children.
The most tragic part is that it doesn’t have to happen. There are so many people who want to adopt infants. In fact, there are an estimated 36 couples waiting to adopt for every infant placed for adoption in the U.S. They’ll take kids with Down syndrome, spina bifida, you name it. There is no such thing as an unwanted child.
I’m stoked that my mom wants me. ‘Cause if she didn’t, I’d be at her whim. Killers who face the death penalty get a lawyer. I get no one to advocate for me, and I’m pretty sure I never killed anyone. My mom could go have me killed for any reason, and they don’t want her to even have to look at me. In America, one out of four of us doesn’t make it out of here alive.
I am happy to be a survivor, and I hope you are, too. I hope this new law helps more of us live to have a birthday.
Now please, Mom, turn it to “Top Shot!”
Reprinted with permission from Live Action’s blog.