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June 23, 2021 (NewsBusters) – On Tuesday, Senate Republicans saved the country from the Democratic-led federal takeover of the county’s election via the For the People Act. But the liberal broadcast networks were out in force that evening to gaslight their audiences and suggest Republicans had shot down an effort to “expand voting rights” that would have “overhauled” the system. And, of course, they spewed their false claims that the GOP was set to bring back Jim Crow.
CBS Evening News made the strongest case that they were just an extension of the Democratic Party’s press shop. “Well, a Democratic plan to greatly expand voting rights in the U.S. failed tonight in the U.S. Senate. Democrats didn’t come close to the 60 votes they needed to advance debate,” anchor Norah O’Donnell announced at the top of the segment.
Ignoring how the bill would ban popular election integrity measures like voter IDs, CBS congressional correspondent Nikole Killion praised the bill as the foil to Republican efforts to secure elections:
The push for a federal voting rights law comes as 48 states are considering nearly 400 Republican-backed bills that would restrict voting. Across the south, grassroots activists organized freedom rides, like those during the civil rights movement, concerned the proposals could again make it harder for people of color at the ballot box.
Killion used one soundbite of a leftist activist to suggest the GOP wanted “Jim Crow 2.0,” and she personally warned that “Congress is running out of time ahead of next year's midterms.”
Over on ABC’s World News Tonight, sensationalist anchor David Muir also tried to sell the bill to viewers by ignoring how the legislation would ban popular measures and would lead to a federal takeover:
The Senate’s taking a key vote on the Democrats' sweeping election reform bill. We have just learned tonight it did not pass. The bill would have, among other things, made election day a federal holiday, making it easy for Americans to get to the polls. It would have required at least 15 consecutive days of early voting. It also placed limits on partisan Gerrymandering.
In fact, ABC congressional correspondent Rachel Scott falsely claimed the bill protected voter ID laws. “Manchin now on board after his own changes to the bill, including voter I.D., were embraced by voting rights activist Stacey Abrams and former President Barack Obama,” she said.
At the end of the segment Muir and Scott teamed up to laud the Democratic scheme to try to shame Republicans for their opposition:
MUIR: They did not get one Republican vote and Democrats plan to make sure Americans know that? What’s the reaction so far?
SCOTT: David, Democrats tonight wanted to get every single Republican on the record on this issue. They want to paint Republicans ahead of the midterm elections as against expanding voting rights legislation.
And as for NBC Nightly News, Capitol Hill correspondent Garrett Haake did note that “Republicans tonight slammed the bill as a partisan power grab by Democrats that would federalize elections, including preventing states from requiring voter ID.”
But that’s where the kudos ended, as he ignored the truth and spun the bill by claiming it would have simply “overhauled the country’s election system.” Of course, he pitched it using Democratic talking points and didn’t explain that taxpayers would be paying for campaigns:
Dubbed the “For the People Act,” it includes a requirement states provide same-day voter registration, sets up a public financing system for congressional elections, and requires presidential candidates release their tax returns. Democrats called the bill a way to push back against new state voting laws passed by Republicans.
He concluded by boasting about the Democratic Party’s endurance, saying, “Democrats are comparing this vote to round one of a boxing match, vowing to fight on to find some way to pass this bill.”
These lies and efforts at misinforming the public about elections laws was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Liberty Mutual on ABC, Leaf Filter on CBS, and Fidelity on NBC. Their contact information is linked so you can tell them about the biased news they fund. CBS Evening News has also asked people “text Norah” at this number: (202) 217-1107.
Reprinted with permission by NewsBusters