Note: the email address for contacting the Prime Minister has been updated to a more direct address.
April 25, 2108 (LifeSiteNews) — The LifeSite petition in support of Alfie Evans has been signed by just over 47,000 persons as of the time of writing. Today, LifeSite sent an urgent message to all signers with action items that might potentially save Alfie's life at this very critical time. Following is the text of the email:
LifeSiteNews will continue to bring you updates on Alfie as they become available. You can follow the stories here. Simply refresh your browser for timely updates.
Please consider yourselves now part of Alfie’s Army. In addition to praying (and fasting) for him and his family, there are a number of last-minute action items that every one of you needs to do to help Alfie right now.
Email (using online forum) British Prime Minister Theresa May demanding that Alfie – now a citizen of Italy – be released to allow for transfer to the Italian hospital which has offered him care.
Email ([email protected]) and call (020 7219 6813) the UK Health Minister Jeremy Hunt
Email ([email protected]) the UK General Medical Council so that they understand how bad all this is making the UK Health system look.
Other readers of the email may also wish to participate in these very urgent action items.