Girls as young as 14 are being recruited by researchers at the University of Hawaii to see how much they will bleed if deprived of oxytocin during late-term abortions.
'The cry for physician-assisted suicide is not coming out of historically marginalized communities; this cry for ‘more choice’ is coming from the community that already has the most choices,' stated Dr. Farr Curlin at the 'Living Life to Its Fullest' event.
Stories about pro-life activists getting abortions mysteriously pop up all the time in pro-abortion literature. These stories frankly fail to hold water for several reasons.
'Shame' properly understood is a way of protecting and valuing the dignity of the person. It is those who no longer value themselves who become 'shameless.'
'My professors taught me, I teach my residents, it's really a core part of the curriculum. So to say that we can't teach core skills to residents and students is really disturbing,' said Dr. Anne Davis about abortion.
While the American Library Association (ALA) argues for the book's 'diverse' content, parents question the 'homosexual agenda' in it and critics call out the ALA’s credibility.
The controversy about the Indiana religious liberty statute is a textbook example of the increasing timidity of leading Republican politicians in the face of the homosexualist movement