A tribute to Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP (1985-2014) May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Opinion Judie Brown • Jun 23, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Why would a pro-lifer recommend a pro-abortion film? – ‘Obvious Child’ This movie’s audience is your audience. Opinion Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa • Jun 20, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Pro-family movement’s commitment to charity shines through at March for Marriage At the 2nd March for Marriage Thursday, the solidarity and charity of the defenders of marriage was on full display. Opinion Stephen Phelan • Jun 20, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Hillary Clinton on gay marriage: did she evolve, or just wait? It took the gay rights champion until 2013 to come out on this issue. Why? Opinion Carolyn Moynihan • Jun 20, 2014Jun 18, 2021
The transgender movement is not the new civil rights frontier A leading psychiatrist has dumped cold water on the successor to same-sex "marriage." Opinion Michael Cook • Jun 20, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Discriminating anti-discrimination policies if a Christian group can’t assure that its leaders believe in Jesus Christ, what’s the use of having a Christian group at all? Opinion Eric Metaxas • Jun 19, 2014Jun 18, 2021
A lethal legacy: Hurricane Katrina and the indignity of euthanasia A new book tells the harrowing story of Memorial Medical Center, where some physicians took the lives of their patients during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Opinion Christopher White • Jun 19, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Why we’re marching for marriage: an open letter to Congress We love our fellow citizens, our neighbors, enough to tell them the truth about what marriage is and why it’s important. Opinion Fr. Shenan Boquet • Jun 19, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Democratic senator does the old ‘wink-and-nod’ on abortion Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu says she believes "life begins at conception" but supports legalized abortion. Opinion Dustin Siggins • Jun 18, 2014Jun 18, 2021
A bioethicist’s farcical case for child euthanasia While claiming the mantle of empirical analysis, bioethicist Tony Hope actually engages in a game of “let’s play pretend.” Opinion Wesley J. Smith • Jun 17, 2014Jun 18, 2021