Wisconsin’s Senate GOP Leader’s latest excuse for abandoning pro-life bills It looks like Fitzgerald is already trying to weasel out of his New Year’s resolution Opinion Calvin Freiburger • Jan 8, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Forcibly sterilizing the ‘unfit’: the U.S. eugenics program you probably haven’t heard of Imagine living in a country where the government could forcibly sterilize people they deem somehow “deficient.” You don’t have to imagine. Opinion Eric Metaxas • Jan 8, 2014Jun 18, 2021
Will the Duck Dynasty controversy awaken Americans to the homofascist juggernaut? The gay bullying and intimidation deployed against Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson is nothing new to the ex-gay community. Opinion Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays • Jan 7, 2014Jun 18, 2021
International Right to Life head hears about this organization everywhere he goes in the world Since becoming the president of International Right to Life, Brad Mattes says people ask him the same question everywhere he travels to. Opinion Brad Mattes • Dec 20, 2013Jun 18, 2021
I now pronounce you man and wives… Turns out, marriage isn't about two people who love each other -- it's about three or five or six. Opinion Tony Perkins • Dec 17, 2013Jun 18, 2021
Polygamy comes out of the closet Most Americans are still deeply hostile towards polygamy. Opinion Michael Cook • Dec 17, 2013Jun 18, 2021
ACLU tackles US Catholic bishops over abortion If the ACLU is really interested in women's health, it should tackle carcinogenic contraceptives. Opinion James S. Cole • Dec 17, 2013Jun 18, 2021
Moral mayhem multiplied—now, it’s Polygamy’s turn The sheer shock of the decision serves as an alarm: marriage is being utterly redefined before our eyes, and in the span of a single generation. Opinion Albert Mohler • Dec 16, 2013Jun 18, 2021
Planned Parenthood breast exams decrease 34% after raising millions from Komen controversy Breast care at Planned Parenthood has been on the decline for years now. Opinion Kelsey Hazard • Dec 13, 2013Jun 18, 2021
Secrecy clause plays Santa Claus to abortion crowd For now, expanding taxpayer-funded abortion may be the only ObamaCare goal the President has reached. Opinion Tony Perkins • Dec 13, 2013Jun 18, 2021