December 7, 2012 ( – If you’ve heard anything in the media about Planned Parenthood lately, you’ve probably gotten the impression that they’re in the business of cancer screenings, health care and one or two abortions a year, right?
Planned Parenthood of South Central New York (PPSCNY), based in the New York cities of Binghamton and Oneonta, is cutting ties with the nation’s largest abortion chain, not because they refuse to do pap tests or provide general health care, but because they don’t want to perform abortions.
Other medical providers in the area perform abortions and they’d like to focus on providing the healthcare needs that women in their area actually need.
But Planned Parenthood has no interest in partnering with them in that mission unless they want to kill unborn children as well because, despite their protests to the contrary, abortion is the center of their business model, the center of their ethos, and their greatest source of profit.
Abortion Mandate Three Years in the Making
Back in 2010, Planned Parenthood announced that by 2013, they would require all affiliates of Planned Parenthood Federation of America to perform abortions or cut ties. The time has come and, true to their word, they’re cutting affiliates.
The first affiliate they dropped left almost immediately after the mandate was announced. Planned Parenthood of South Texas left the abortion giant with the following statement:
We have never provided abortions. Our position is that if that is a need in your community, fine. There are far greater needs in our area than abortion. We feel that women here have options. We don’t need to duplicate services.
But that wasn’t good enough for PPFA. Start up the vacuum aspiration machine, or hit the bricks.
Planned Parenthood Doth Protest Too Much
This goes to show a few things.
First, Planned Parenthood is “Abortion, Inc.”
They are the nation’s number one abortion provider and this is clearly a grab for more of the abortion market. PPSCNY says other people are taking care of the abortion market there, but that’s not good enough for PPFA.
This means one of two things. Either PPFA is trying to push the providers currently doing abortions in the area out of the market, or PPFA has exactly the sort of monstrous appetite for abortions that the pro-life community has sensed from them for decades.
Either way, no matter what conglomeration of services your Planned Parenthood affiliate provides, it had better provide abortion, or you’re out because that’s what Planned Parenthood does.
Click “like” if you want to end abortion!
Second, abortion is a huge part of Planned Parenthood’s business.
As we’ve pointed out elsewhere, Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortion accounts for only 3% of their services is extremely misleading, especially since abortion accounts for 37% of their income and 91% of their services to pregnant women!
At $400 a pop, even for chemical abortions which cost them almost nothing, they make nearly pure profit on each and every one of the hundreds of thousands of abortions they perform each year and that huge number of abortions (nearly 330,000 last year alone) are absolutely essential to their business model.
If you’re not willing to provide their cash cow service, they’re not doing business with you.
Third, as we’ve known for some time: there are many in Planned Parenthood’s own ranks who aren’t comfortable with abortion.
We’ve seen many workers leave the abortion industry and specifically Planned Parenthood over the years, like those who spoke at our recent CONVERTED: From Abortion Provider to Pro-Life Activist conference (look for more from that conference here soon!)
Many at that conference, and it seems many at the affiliates that are leaving Planned Parenthood over their new abortion mandate, want to help women, but don’t believe abortion is necessary to do that.
As we know, Americans are fundamentally uncomfortable with abortion, and the people who work at Planned Parenthood are no different. Outside of the most hardened few, most see what a tragedy the destruction of life in abortion is, and the closer they see it, the less they want to do with it.
That’s why it’s so essential that we continue to reach out to abortion workers. It may seem impossible, but many of them are deeply uncomfortable with what goes on inside their workplace.
Keep Exposing the Truth about Planned Parenthood
This is nothing new. We’ve known for years now that Planned Parenthood doesn’t want to help women, they want to make money on their cash cow of abortion.
We saw this when they took their ball and went home when they were told they couldn’t perform abortions at their proposed new clinic in Auburn Hills, Michigan. We saw this when they bullied a Wisconsin food bank last year. We saw this when they threatened to shut down a Texas women’s health program if they didn’t get their funding.
You can listen to their talking points and Cecile Richards’ interviews in the media, or you can look at their track record. Their true priorities couldn’t be more clear.
Reprinted with permission from