Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop Trudeau’s ‘Online Harms Act’
(LifeSiteNews) — It is not only dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. Efforts to silence media critical of the politics of national suicide are intensifying, as the liberal elite proves itself incapable of remedying the ruin it has made of our reality.
The Supreme Court of the United States is currently hearing a case concerning the limits placed on “conservative” speech online. Meanwhile, the president encourages more drug use – to accompany the diet of fantasy our elites are attempting to present as the facts.
READ: Soros-funded Google initiative now aims to ‘prebunk’ supposed online ‘misinformation’
Free speech platform Gab has announced it is moving to a subscription model to thwart attempts made by saboteurs to render its service unusable. The transition of Twitter to X has not prevented the widespread censorship of liberal-critical views, with users reporting a new wave of measures to limit visibility of their accounts. Competing platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok have solved this problem by largely removing them.
That the Big Tech companies are effectively an extension of the U.S. National Security State is no secret. What is happening now is a coordinated attempt in the West to rule out the mention of the wreckage our liberal-globalist management has made of reality.
They are doing this because they have no solutions to the problems their values have caused. It is a formal heresy to the current dispensation to notice the awful reality they have created, and the general realization that they cannot fix it will destroy their right to rule.
This is the reason that reading about what is right is now framed as wrong. The facts have parted company with power, and so they must be dissolved. Misinformation is the information they would prefer you to miss, and that is why liberal-critical viewpoints are taking a hit.
Documenting censorship
Few people have done more than former Trump administration official Mike Benz to document the coordinated efforts to destroy liberal-critical speech.
The work of his foundation listed here includes reports on the monitoring of U.S. Christians, the “financial throttling” of non-liberal news outlets, and the bankrolling of the “censorship industry” – all backed by the U.S. government.
He has been working on a book called “Weapons of Mass Deletion,” which he describes in the following video.
The name of my book is Weapons Of Mass Deletion
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) December 7, 2023
He warns of a “New Manhattan Project being developed by the State Department, the Department of Defense and the intelligence community,” which will “do for information warfare what weapons of mass destruction did for kinetic warfare.”
Benz says that the U.S. government is working to produce “AI censorship technology” which means, “You no longer need a standing army of hundreds of thousands of censors. With just a few lines of code, you could wipe out millions of individual acts of speech all around the world.”
He notes how in 2018 it became “basically mandatory” for Big Tech companies to “implement AI censorship techniques.”
This corresponds with the work of Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi, who was handed the files of Twitter’s cooperation with U.S. and U.K. intelligence agencies in censoring stories such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, the lockdown regime, and criticism of the so-called “vaccines.”
Taibbi went on to testify to the U.S. Congress in March 2023 on what he termed the “Censorship-Industrial Complex,” showing the collaboration between government agencies, corporations, and NGOs in suppressing speech critical of the liberal regime, saying, “state-funded ‘anti-disinformation’ and free speech can’t coexist.”
Taibbi also argues that these measures are supported by establishment media outlets, because their audience share is plummeting. This is why they are determined to maintain the information business as usual – being little more than mouthpieces for their sponsors in power.
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Taibbi has just been awarded the newly minted Samizdat Prize, presented by RealClearMedia. Samizdat is the word given to privately distributed dissident writings in the Soviet Union, whose discovery could threaten the freedom of the reader as much as that of the writer.
Taibbi shares the honour with two others. One is Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.
“When Dr. Bhattacharya conducted an experiment on his own initiative proving that the WHO had massively overstated the infection mortality rate of COVID-19, and later organized against lockdown policies he and many others felt were both ineffective and dangerous, the result was digital suppression – not because he was incorrect, but because his message was politically undesirable,” Taibbi wrote.
The third winner is New York Post reporter Miranda Devine. Here, Taibbi explains her path to recognition in the service of truth against an authoritarian censorship regime which recalls that of the Soviet Union he grew up in.
When Miranda published her blockbuster New York Post exposé of October 14, 2020, ‘Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad,’ internet platforms Twitter and Facebook experimented for the first time with disappearing a major political story in the middle of an election year.
He goes on to show how methods used to remove child pornography were employed to block people sharing the story “in private”:
Not only did both platforms suppress the story, but as I later found in internal correspondence, Twitter used tools previously reserved for child pornography to prevent individuals from sharing the story in direct messages – the digital version of a [Soviet secret police] Cheka agent intercepting that copy of a Solzhenitsyn or Voinovich story before one person could hand it to another.
The liberals are protecting you from freedom of thought and have been doing so for years. In 2018, Google demonetized LifeSiteNews itself, saying its pro-life stance violated the terms and conditions of its AdSense service.
READ: Google ramps up its demonetizing of ‘dangerous’ LifeSite articles
Critics of climate change – a process beyond man’s control – have received the same treatment.
No other media organization has done more to expose the lies of Israel’s government in its ongoing genocide in Gaza than Max Blumenthal’s The Grayzone. For its mission to document the evils of the empire of lies, including the CIA’s links to the National Endowment for Democracy, it has been targeted with a Deep State campaign to harass and discredit its journalists and remove its funding.
It has also been targeted by U.K. intelligence assets and smeared as anti-semitic by the Anti Defamation League and the Washington Post, the house journal of the Deep State.
There is good reason for the liberal elite to suppress these ideas, and seek to destroy those who publish them. Liberal democracy is an experiment in the rule by fantasy, which cannot solve the problems it has created. It can only silence those who notice that the emperor is not merely naked, but a dangerous fanatic.
The problem of liberal democracy
Issues such as abortion, which is central to claims of the suppression of speech, cannot be resolved by liberal laws.
This is an issue which is either right or wrong, and one which sees both sides polarized by incompatible ideas of the value of life and the role of “rights.”
No appeal to these “rights” can settle this issue.
Similarly, the notion of “transgender rights” and “LGBT rights” frame a zero-sum game – a conflict between identity groups and non-members which must result in victory or defeat. There is no “compromise,” no “resolution” to this conflict. The climate is changing, but man cannot do anything to halt it. This is not a fact that true believers are willing to entertain.
The solution presented by liberal societies is a form of therapy. This is the “education” we receive, not only in schools, but through the mass media.
It is the control of this psychological therapy – which seeks to make sickness resemble a cure – which leads to the censorship and suppression of “conservative” outlets.
While the bogeyman of the “far right” is often partnered with “extremism” to smear anyone speaking for life, sanity, for God, and for the family, public therapeutic education now codes “populism” as a Bad Thing.
What is populism? It is the political viewpoint of people who have been radicalized by reality.
The reality that has radicalized them is one of deaths of despair, vaccine deaths and injury, of plummeting birth rates partnered with abortion, and sterile sexual identities. It is a reality of endless wars, usury, debt, and urban chaos. The devastating effects of Net Zero policies can now be seen in the giddying decline of Germany, which has destroyed its own industrial base in pursuit of a fantasy.
What populism demands is an answer to these problems that the liberal elite cannot supply.
France, Ireland, Poland
The formerly Catholic nations of France, Ireland, and Poland are seeing rapid moves towards the enshrinement of the sacrament of death. France has elevated abortion to a constitutional right. Ireland, having legalized abortion, is today holding a referendum to redefine the family out of legal existence.
This image, from 2017, shows the impact of a “diverse concepts of parenthood” on the nation:
READ: Soros-backed NGOs seek global control of AI in pursuit of New World Order agenda
Activists in Polish politics are seeking to decriminalize the killing of their future population, with one politician, the homosexualist Katarzyna Kotula, framing the murder of disabled babies as an urgent matter of convenience for the women who might otherwise have to care for them.
The role of NGOs in these campaigns is well documented.
They are the “civil society” groups we hear are “strengthening democracy” and “combating misinformation.” Soros’ Open Society Foundations is just one example.
The Southern Poverty Law Center in the U.S. – described by Elon Musk as a “scam” – and the Anti Defamation League are two more whose attempts to suppress free speech in the fight against “extremism” are equally zealous in their support of anti-family, anti-natalist, and anti-life legal privileges. Of course, they are also anti-God – with a page on the ADL’s website warning of the dangerous tendency of Traditional Catholics to believe in “right-wing conspiracy theories.”
Czar qualities
Misinformation “czars” have been appointed to combat extremism and misinformation. One year ago, the Washington Examiner reported that the National Endowment for Democracy was funding “a conservative blacklist group” to coordinate the removal of advertising revenue for liberal-critical news outlets.
In the same week of March 2023, the Examiner reported that “Biden’s ex-‘disinformation’ czar Nina Jankowicz [had been] subpoenaed to appear before Congress” – over her role in suspected U.S. government-backed censorship.
Jankowicz oversaw the Department of Homeland Security’s governance board, “which was dissolved in August 2022 after being formed in April 2022 and aimed to combat purported disinformation threats to the United States.”
She “came under fire from Republicans for allegedly promoting censorship and conspiracy theories online” and was subpoenaed by Rep. Jim Jordan as a result.
The campaign against non-liberal speech has been well documented by the Washington Examiner, itself a target of the U.S. government-backed campaign to undermine its funding. In 2022, Timothy P. Carney explained why the terms “misinformation” and “disinformation” are used in the U.S.
They are trying to shoehorn conservative speech into a category of unprotected speech.
The tactic used in countries with no First Amendment rights are different, with liberal-critical ideas defined and criminalized as “hate speech.” The U.S. constitution does not protect lies, however, and so this, argues Carney, is the reason that censorship is being framed as a means of protecting the public from harm.
This definition of misinformation recasts liberal-critical thought as dangerous, because to criticize liberal values is blasphemy to the believers.
These liberal ideas are presented as the basic rules of the only legitimate way of life. You are free to agree.
In the U.K., a Zionist has been appointed to monitor hate speech, presumably to enforce the policy of the United States Congress, which ruled that “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.” Opponents to mass slaughter are called extremists by people who support it.
Robin Simcox is the U.K. commissioner for countering extremism. He is also a former research fellow of the Henry Jackson Society, a U.S.-U.K. NGO whose mysteriously unavailable webpage of patrons has been archived here.
As patrons of its promotion of the values of “civil society,” it lists notorious neoconservative warmongers such as Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Max Boot, and Richard Perle, along with former CIA director James Woolsey and Carl Gershman, the head of the National Endowment for Democracy.
The NED is the leading Deep State organization of “regime change” – a process which is now well underway in North America.
This is just one example of an organization fighting for “liberal democratic values” and against “extremism” which is backed by people whose own extremism has plunged the world into endless violence.
NED says that only “liberal democracies are legitimate,” and along with its similar NGOs, reserves to itself the right to slander the enemies of their idea of “democracy,” which is a death cult run for their own profit.
The rights based arguments are mobilized to defend the industries of death, be they those of nations, of the unborn, or of the Catholic heritage of the West itself. The threat to dissidents of the death cult is real, and it is the only solution the ruling factions have to preserve their own power. They are losing the argument with reality started by their fanatical beliefs. To protect the public from discovering they have no answer but more destruction, they are trying to make honest description of their values impossible to find.
READ: FBI claims a Catholic pro-lifer shot at a federal building. Where’s the proof?
The right is not always right, and the left – as people like Max Blumenthal show – is not always wrong. What matters is that perspective on the machinery of state is being limited to the prescribed horizons of power.
The conflict today is not only those promoted in the industries of death which fund and secure elite power. It is between the fantasies of the rulers, and the reality of the ruled.
The survival of the death cult rests on ruling out the truth forever. Is this likely to happen? They are certainly trying.
Will it succeed? Matt Taibbi, that rare breed of journalist who will defend the right of those to speak with whom he disagrees, thinks not.
As depressing as things sometimes look now, those who would suppress speech have the real problem.
Imagine the problem of stopping the truth in the digital age? There will always be people who’ll try, but history shows – they never succeed for long.
With a weapon of mass deletion under development, the problem is that the people trying are no longer people at all.
George Soros is funding massive pro-abortion rallies in Poland
Group funded by American billionaire launches complaint against Ireland’s pro-life laws
EU-funded extremism researcher admits she wants tradwives, ‘far-right’ female influencers censored
Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop Trudeau’s ‘Online Harms Act’