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(LifeSiteNews) — The New World Order that has emerged from and through the plandemic, a Dis-Order of technocratic, totalitarian rule, a globalist hunger-games economy of hundreds of masters and billions of slaves, and incessant and endless trauma-based mind control and terrorism, must be resisted at all costs, for it is the attempt to set up an Antichrist system based upon a complete rejection of God, the Church, and reality.

To fight this, we need first principles and grounding truths, the fundamental truths of logos, the metaphysical, moral, and spiritual order of the universe, accessible to human reason and perfected in the Divine Revelation of Jesus Christ. They comprise an indispensable bulwark and shield against the enemies of logos that are now engaged in an all-scale attack on human life. And we need to weaponize these truths and go to battle.

Spiritual/theological truths

  • The universe did not make itself, as it is not a necessary being. Thus, it must have been the creation of an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal God. Indeed, reality itself is continually being created and sustained in existence, moment-by-moment, by this God, who, being perfect, is infinite love and perfect happiness. Every moment, event, and circumstance of our lives is an ongoing gift of this God to us out of his infinite gratuitousness.

If we knew this, we would never fall into idolatry, never expect from man and nature what can only come from God and supernature. And we would have a formidable spiritual and psychological strength born of trust in both God’s power, goodness, and providential intimacy. We would never adopt a servile fear of God’s enemies but boldly stand against them, encouraging others to do the same, knowing that God wins and evil loses, always and everywhere.

  • God created human beings in His divine image to know, love, and serve Him because in doing so we participate and share in His infinite divinity and perfect happiness, and His loving will for every human being He has created is to share in His Divinity. Since God is eternal, such participation for us means eternal life with and in Him, beginning now and continuing forever after we die.

If we knew this, we would never fall into worldliness and attachment, which are the hooks with which evil men keep us enslaved. We would never be willing to do anything that would jeopardize our salvation, such as putting loyalty to truth second to worldly advantage, the treason that so many Christians committed in 2020.

  • We cannot know, love, and serve Him without His assistance because we are born with an ineradicable tendency to selfishness, separateness, and disobedience, rooted in pride and ignorance. Thus, prayer in all its forms — vocal, mental, meditative, silent, communal, liturgical, through which we access this assistance, is the most important and essential human activity.

If we knew this, we would never allow the simulacrum of the technocracy to distract us and drown out the silence in which we commune with God. We would become walking liturgies in which others can detect the presence of God. By making prayer the primary activity of our daily lives, our very being, apart from any good works we do, will radiate God’s power and love, defeating his enemies before a word is spoken or action taken.

  • Knowledge and love of God make us like Him, and since He is love itself, love of neighbor flows inevitably from our growing likeness to Him. If we are not loving our neighbor to the best of our ability, it means we are rejecting our likeness to God and our creaturely obligation.

We have enemies. The Church has enemies. Ancient and ineradicable and relentless and implacable enemies. Our neighbor may be our enemy. But we identify them, call them out, and love them, precisely because they are our enemies. The neo-pagan alt-righters accurately identify the enemies of Western civilization and the moral law, but because they see Christianity as an enemy, they hate these enemies. This was Nazism. We love our enemies, and in doing so, we defeat them with love, and lead many of them to conversion. If we know this truth, we also love our neighbors who are not our enemies, and we do so as we reject a tribal, inner-circle, gnostic neo-pharisaism, which is not of Christ but of the Devil. Catholic traditionalists take heed.

  • Both human reason and Divine Faith allow every human being to recognize Jesus Christ as the only possible human incarnation of the God described above.

The global Antichrist religion that is emerging and gaining influence and power as I write this is at its core syncretistic. It would have us believe in Jesus Christ, but not as the only and definitive expression of God on earth, with the Catholic Church as His only mystical body on earth, outside of which there is no salvation. This just won’t do in the 21st century. Many Catholics will fall for the Antichrist precisely because of his surreptitious denial of the Incarnation, which will seem much more reasonable, charitable, and tolerant than the “old, fundamentalist, and narrow” Catholicism, one that, after all, has caused so much bloodshed and hatred in history. But if we know the truth, we will not be deceived.

Metaphysical truths

  • All that exists is good because being itself is good, as well as true and beautiful.
  • The universe as a whole, as well as every part of it, is purposeful and intelligent, being made by a purposeful and intelligent creator.
  • Evil exists, but it is parasitical — it has no independent being. It is a real absence of a real good that should exist but doesn’t due to deliberately bad human choices.

We are now experiencing a level and ubiquity of evil unprecedented in the history of the world. It might seem from this that evil is competing with good, and winning. We may be tempted to take the black pill, and lose our hope and innocence. Has not evil taken control of not only the world but also the Church? What could be more evil than the holder of the office of St. Peter obligating billions of Catholics under penalty of being “unloving” to be injected with a known deadly bioweapon as part of a satanic program of global terrorism and democide, on the one hand, and requiring Catholic priests to bless sodomite couples, on the other? Hasn’t evil shown itself to be in charge? Hasn’t goodness been shown to be a naïve myth, a childish fairy tale? If we know the metaphysical truths about goodness and evil, we will never fall into despair. God is in charge, and evil, no matter how gruesome and inexplicable and insufferable, is deliberately permitted by God for our good. And our sins have contributed to this evil. This is true. This is the truth. You must know it and never doubt it.

  • Human beings can become evil in their souls due to deliberate, knowing, choices against the Good and their morally informed consciences. If they persist in these choices and do not repent of them, they will be punished for them in both this and the next life.

Yes, evil is just an absence of being, a parasite, but, still, there are evil people. Malicious people. People who do evil knowing that it is evil and for the sake of evil. No, not everyone is “just trying to do the right thing.” This is nothing but a cowardly and sentimental refusal to acknowledge the obvious. And this is why Hell exists, and why it is eternal, for people can choose evil in their last earthly moments, and Hell is what they desire. They would have it no other way. If we understand this truth, we will have an accurate understanding of the people who are ruling us and their evil agenda. Mistakes were not made in 2020 — they intended to torture, enslave, and murder us, and they still do, and not because they “think it is good.” They know it is evil, and that is why they do it. They are satanists. Do not deny the existence of malice.

  • Reality is more than mere matter, for it includes immutable, immaterial substantial form and eternal spirit. Matter doesn’t exist without the unchanging form that gives it definite essence and existence. And form doesn’t exist without matter, without some level of potency, as in the angels, which are immaterial but not without potency, potency toward existence. Only God is pure actuality.
  • Human beings are composed of matter, form, and spirit, or, using different terms, body and soul. We are neither souls nor bodies alone, but soul and body syntheses or composites.
  • Death is the separation of our body and soul, but since the soul is one and indivisible, it is immortal.

Angelism, denying matter, and materialism, denying form, are the errors this truth vanquishes. Both are the errors of modernity. Technocracy and the digitalization of everything denies both the limiting existence of matter and the inexorable givenness of form, while godless hedonism, consumerism, therapeuticism, and the secularization and sexualization of culture and politics deny spirit. Well-being, not salvation, is the primary desideratum behind these errors, and hell on earth and after it is the result. If we understand these metaphysical truths, we will pursue salvation over well-being, and well-being only for the sake of salvation.

  • All men by nature desire to know, and for the sake of knowing, since it is in knowing, loving, and acting in accordance with the Truth that men find their perfection and happiness.

This truth is a shield against:

  1. Evolutionism/radical existentialism, which claim that men do not share a common nature, or if they do, it’s merely a biological adaption subject to further change.
  2. utilitarianism/pragmatism, which claim that men may desire to know, but only as a means to the useful or pleasurable.
  • The human intellect can distinguish between what appears, on the one hand, and what is, on the other, that is, between opinion and knowledge. Thus, Truth exists and can be known as such, but we must recognize the limit and mode of human knowing, both tradition-dependent and tradition-transcendent.

This is a shield against:

  1. relativism/skepticism, which claim that knowledge is subjective and relative.
  2. Kantianism/empiricism, which claim that our experience is never of what is, but only of what appears.
  3. rationalism/Cartesian idealism/angelism/gnosticism, which claim that both objective truth and the human mode of knowing are absolute.
  4. postmodernism, which claims that both reality and human rationality are subjective and relative. There is only discourse and narratives.
  • Truth is the conformity of our minds to reality (through human reason), and our minds to the mind of God (through prayer and the gift of Faith).

This is a shield against:

  1. empiricism/idealism, which claim that truth is the conformity of our statements to our sense-impressions or ideas.
  2. Materialism, which claims that while truth is the conformity of our mind to reality, the real is merely material.
  3. deconstructionism/Nietzschean nihilism, which claim that truth is only the mask of power.
  4. naturalism/modernism, which claim that we cannot know the mind of God, only our own minds.
  • All human actions are determined by thought and will (practical reason), which is the conformity of the intellect to the truth about the Good, and conformity of rational desire (the will) to right Reason.

This is a shield against:

  1. voluntarism/existentialism/sentimentalism, which claim that human actions are determined either by will or desire alone, not reason.
  2. determinism/behaviorism, which claim that human thought and action are determined by culture, upbringing, or genetics.
  • We are obliged by natural law to love and do good and to hate and avoid evil, and therefore we must be able to know the difference between good and evil, objectively and absolutely.

This is a shield against:

  1. voluntarism, which claims that the only authoritative law and norm of goodness or evil is God’s will as revealed in Scripture and the Church.
  2. historicism/moral relativism, which claim that what is considered good is not based in absolute and unchangeable reality but relative to person, culture, or history.
  3. Kantian deontology, which claims that while morality is objective and absolute, it is so because it derives from our own minds, which are absolute, not nature or God.
  • The human intellect can grasp universal truth, and it can know essences and the causes of things.

This is a shield against:

  1. Kantianism, which claims that the universals are only in the mind, not in things.
  2. extreme Platonism, which claims that the universals exist only as forms in a transcendent realm completely separate from existing things.
  3. nominalism, which claims that the human mind can only experience particulars. Universals like “cat” or “good” are merely names of human concepts that do not correspond to anything real.
  • The attainment of Wisdom, not power or pleasure, is the purpose of our knowing. Wisdom is the loving knowledge of the most important truths about God and the universe accompanied by an inclination of the will to live and act in accordance with them.

This is a shield against:

  1. Straussianism, which claims that the purpose of study is endless questioning with no absolute truth discoverable.
  2. intellectualism/Pharisaism/gnosticism, which claim that the purpose of study is knowledge, period.
  3. pragmatism/hedonism/Baconianism/therapeuticism, which claim that the purpose of study is pleasure, well-being, or power.
  • Knowing and loving in the natural, created order should prepare and dispose the mind for supernatural, mystical knowing and loving in supernatural, divine order.

This is a shield against:

  1. fideism/naturalism, which claim that Faith and reason are incompatible.
  2. pantheism/monism/supernaturalism, which claim that there is no “nature” — all is God, all is supernatural.
  3. eastern/new-age/kabbalistic irrationalism, which claim that mysticism is the highest knowledge, but it is incompatible with philosophy or human reason or material and moral reality.

Moral and political truths

  • The human person is inherently good; therefore, he must never be treated by other humans as a means but only as an end.
  • Men are social and political animals; thus, they find their perfection and happiness and good with each other in political community.
  • The purpose of political community is to secure the material, moral, and spiritual conditions in which human being can thrive and flourish, and humans thrive and flourish through virtuous activity and contemplation of God.
  • The natural law, which is the set of moral laws that govern the universe ordered to human good, happiness and perfection, is a higher authority than the political law, and thus both leaders and citizens must act in accordance with it as its inexorable subjects.
  • Since human laws must be ordered to the human good and be in accordance with the natural law, when they are not, citizens are under no obligation to obey them.
  • Just as human persons owe in justice obedience to and worship of God, so too do human persons in community, including the political community; thus, a godless political community is unjust and evil.
  • If the political community, with its laws, institutions, economic structures, and cultural norms, is not ordered to the natural law and to God, it will necessarily become tyrannical and totalitarian, for it will exalt man’s will over God’s will, human law over the natural law, and lies over truth.

We are now living under global totalitarianism precisely because of the denial of the preceding truths and the institutionalization of this denial. Jesus told us that the Devil is a liar and a murderer from the beginning. There is nothing more evil than lying and murdering, no straighter path to Hell than the one paved by them, and never before has there been more lies and murders. Geo-politically, the plandemic was the very incarnation and apotheosis of lies and murder, with the false-flag terror event of IXXI as its prelude. The War on Terror that IXXI inaugurated, which destroyed so many countries and lives and ushered in the first stage of global totalitarianism, was built on an enormous lie, and if you don’t know this, that’s just indicative of how powerful that lie was. The number of deaths from the bioweapon injection is already in the tens of millions, not to mention the incalculable amount of physical and psychological sickness it and the psy-op as a whole unleashed, and the death toll may very well rise to a billion in the next few years, considering that we still do not know what exactly they put in the jabs and why they were so intent on jabbing everyone on the planet, not to mention the potential for harm of the nano-tech and graphene oxide that we know were in them. Everything, literally everything, they told us in 2020 and after was a lie, and these lies were aimed at the total subjugation of society and the soul. They were incredibly successful. And they are still lying, and doubling down on the previous ones.

The Devil cannot force us to lie or murder, only tempt us to do so, but what he can do is use his willing servants to create lies and then force us to live in the midst of them. He’s been doing this since the foundation of the world, beginning with the First Lie through the willing serpent: “You shall not die. You shall be as gods knowing good and evil.” But he had to wait until the 21st century, with its centralized, elite-controlled, technologically advanced media, to create lies that could become literal worlds, with his minions forcing the rest of us to inhabit them. This he has done. We can’t entirely escape these worlds, but we can recognize the lies upon which they are built, resist them, reject them in our own minds and hearts, unmask them for all to see, substitute them with truths, and weaponize them. But how many are doing this? How many of those with some power and influence in society are doing so? How many Christians are doing so? How many Catholics?

What the devil wants most is for us to become complicit with and participate in these lie worlds, not necessarily by creating them in the first place (this is the special prerogative of the evilest among us, the elite cabal), or by believing in them wholeheartedly and earnestly (for this can be done without sin, with all or most of the fault and guilt in the liar and not the lied-to, with the main fault of the latter being, not dishonesty, but mere stupidity and gullibility), but in accepting them while not really believing in them, or without putting in the effort to question and determine their truth, preferring instead to live within and promote these lie-worlds instead of the real world due to the enhancement of one’s power, sense of well-being, prestige, etc. that the public acceptance and parroting of them secures. One knows in the back of one’s mind that the claims and narratives are either untrue or not indubitably the truth, but one still speaks and behaves as if they are self-evident, unquestionable, sacred, the mere doubting of which being indicative of insanity or malice. Doing so preserves one’s status and power in the world. One becomes a traitor to Truth.

  • The moral obligation to worship and follow God according to our consciences, and thus the freedom to do so, is part of the natural and divine law; thus, the State must not only do anything to hinder the exercise of this freedom, but it should also assist citizens in fulfilling this obligation.

Christ is King. All of the preceding spiritual, theological, metaphysical, moral, and political truths could be effectively weaponized if we just had the courage to know them deeply and live them out. We chose to live in the lie-worlds that were created, transmitted, and incarnated in politics and culture insofar as we believed in them, unaware, but perhaps not completely unaware, of their mendacity. Many of these lie-worlds, from the most abstract and ideological (materialism, secularism, scientism, liberalism, radical feminism, Americanism, Zionism) to the most concrete and historical (WWII allied war crimes and propaganda, and violent deep-state/false-flag events, such as the JFK assassination, IXXI, and the Scamdemic) are now being contested and unmasked in the consciousness of an increasing number of people. They are now being revealed, not as indubitable and obvious truths and facts of nature and history, but as man-made ideologies and paradigms and egregores, psyops, propaganda narratives, and Orwellian double-think, originating in the will-to-power of ruling elites and imposed on the collective consciousness by nefarious personages, intelligence agencies, secret-societies, and globalist institutions, also being unmasked and named.

God is allowing these lies and schemes to be exposed, and we are recognizing that we have been lied to about the most fundamental things, from the nature of God and reality and political order to the “facts” of cosmology, history, and health, and many are speaking out, such as Candace Owens, who is now challenging many sacred cows in public on behalf of the masses. Dr. David Hughes is another, one of the very few public academics telling the full truth about the plandemic and other deep state crimes against humanity. He writes:

A categorical refusal to believe in absurdities is, therefore, indispensable to resisting evil. It is not only an intellectual requirement, but also a moral and theological imperative. Today, the effectiveness of the Big Lie technique is waning. More and more people are refusing to believe in absurdities simply because their government and media tell them to. With this “Great Awakening” will come a powerful religious resurgence, because the lies are designed to sustain evil, while the truth allows good to flourish.

With all these propaganda narratives crumbling before our eyes, will the academic class and other establishment professionals who have served as gatekeepers, either ignoring the “conspiracy theories” entirely or providing intellectual cover for them, finally repent of their cowardice and treason, or will they all double down and become confirmed in evil? In the last five years or so, several Catholic academics, DC Schindler in particular, have thoroughly unmasked the Big Lie of liberalism and have publicly endorsed some form of Catholic integralism or confessionalism, which is the only rational position for a believing Catholic, thereby making it “safe” for others to do so. There was a time when this way of thinking was considered insane or heretical or wicked (think of First Things under Fr. Neuhaus) but at that time some heroic Catholic intellectuals did their job (David Schindler the Elder, God rest his soul, in particular) and now Catholic public discourse permits such thoughts. In fact, they have won the debate. But how many establishment academics are willing to use their trained intellectual powers and influential platforms to weaponize the truths they know, to call into question not just relatively safe-to-critique ideological lies but the much more dangerous, hot-button, third-rail ones, such as the deep-state, trauma-based psy-ops mentioned above that were enabled by these ideologies and now keep so many people in psychological and spiritual bondage? Thes truths also need to be weaponized, not just the abstract and relatively safe ones.

It is both the case that it’s the best time ever to become a Catholic and the worst. It’s the best because we are literally living through the Great Storm and Great Tribulation preceding the Warning and the arrival of the Antichrist, and due to the fact that the world has never been as evil as it is today, the amount of grace God is pouring out upon us is unprecedented. It is the time for heroic saints wielding the Weapon of Truth, and who in their right mind doesn’t want to be part of the most dramatic and urgent and epic battle ever to occur in the history of mankind? It’s the worst time, however, because of the confusion and evil within the Church, as an Antichurch emerges from hiding and the abomination of desolation attempts to occupy the holy of holies. Homosexuality and pedophilia normalization, transgenderism, global totalitarianism, and transhumanism are evils hard enough to fight with the help of the Church, but when her human element and ruling apparatus are compromised by and even complicit in these same evils, it seems impossible and hopeless.

So, let us know deeply and weaponize these truths and the Truth, in our own way and according to our particular circumstances, personal vocation, and unique inspirations from the Holy Spirit, to defeat the enemies of the Church and humanity, the enemies of all that is good, true, and beautiful, for the sake of God’s glory, above all, but also for the renewal of the Church and the culture, and the salvation of souls.

