February 15, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Historically, since the infamous Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton United States Supreme Court decisions, abortion profiteers have disproportionately targeted the black population for its so-called reproductive health services—three code words for surgical abortion, medical abortion and chemical abortion.
Over the years many outstanding pro-life leaders from the black community have tried to ignite concern among their fellow citizens, but the going has been very slow. In fact, it has taken a very long time for the black community to wake up to this most profound of all discriminatory practices against its race, but many are now effectively mobilizing and doing battle with the evil and those who perpetrate it. In fact, on Friday, February 28 the National Black ProLife Coalition will be hosting a National Day of Mourning to call America’s attention to this tragedy and its consequences.
The leadership’s website explains,
We mourn the loss of every life lost, regardless of race, because of abortion. But we will not accept the status quo that endangers black children up to 3x more than the majority population. In New York City, more black children are aborted than are born alive! Fifty-three percent (53.2%) of all black pregnancies end in abortion. This is not freedom. This is genocidal oppression.
“Tears stream from our eyes because of the destruction of our people!” (Lamentations 3:48)
The horror of this deadly prejudice, which is indeed black genocide, has been the rallying cry of many black pro-life leaders. Included among these is Pastor Johnny Hunter, who has been organizing protests against what he calls the “stealth” action of Planned Parenthood for years. Most recently in North Carolina, upon learning that Planned Parenthood was apparently using the name Tharrington Medical Clinic to renovate an old Pizza Hut building and turn it into an abortion clinic, Pastor Hunter became angry. “I refuse to sit back and let an organization founded by a racist sneak into our town and set up a shop to murder babies.”
The “racist” he is referring to is, of course, Margaret Sanger who, in her quest to rid the world of minorities and the poor, focused a great deal of her attention on the black community.
But Hunter is not the only one. Today, among the leadership ranks of the black pro-life community, one name stands out because of outstanding leadership in the human personhood movement as well as his efforts to expose black genocide. That name is Walter Hoye. Walter Hoye is the founder of the California Civil Rights Foundation, a champion of the preborn and a voice for reason—as evidenced in his blog commentaries. Hoye is constantly challenging black Americans to get involved, and has been a primary promoter of Life Dynamics’ powerful video, Maafa 21—a riveting presentation that focuses attention on black genocide, its implications and the chilling history of man’s inability to confront evil and act to end it. Once you watch this program you will understand that the end of slavery did not mean the end of injustices perpetrated against blacks.
Frankly, words are cheap. Today we encourage you to get involved by organizing a day of protest on February 28 in front of a killing center in your community. Be part of the solution; join the National Day of Mourning. Contact the National Black Prolife Coalition now and get all the details because black, yellow, brown or white, we have a common enemy which is literally threatening the future of mankind. If we have the will, we can stop it.
REMEMBER: It’s never too late to do the right thing.