The gay bullying and intimidation deployed against Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson is nothing new to the ex-gay community. For too long in this country, gay rights organizations have incorporated ex-gay bashing as an integral part of their mission. Christian ex-gays are ridiculed for their faith, while people seeking therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions are painted as dangerously delusional. On this one-way street of intolerance, former homosexuals are accused of being liars or fakes while transgenders are celebrated for changing their gender identity. Using their political power and mainstream media support, gay activists work to keep ex-gays in the closet while demanding legal recognition of single-sex marriage as an equal right.
This well-organized and heavily-funded bullying of former homosexuals and ex-gay speech is known by the ex-gay community as ‘homofascism.’
Like Phil Robertson, ex-gays are subjected to demands that they apologize for their existence and views. For gay “civil rights” groups, it seems that no worse sin exists than renouncing one’s own homosexuality. For this cardinal offense, ex-gays and their supporters have to endure retaliation, public humiliation and economic loss unless they submit to public repentance, otherwise known as a gay “teaching opportunity.” Now we see that straights like Phil Robertson and his Christian family are also being subjected to homofascism.
Under homofascism, Mr. Robertson and ex-gays are expected to publicly atone, become enlightened, and proclaim that homosexual sex is normal, natural and healthy, despite medical facts to the contrary, their own personal religious beliefs, and an escalating AIDS rate among male homosexuals. Anyone deviating from this sacramental belief is treated as a heretic, to be bullied into submission or censorship.
Those individuals who no longer want to act out homosexually, including minors who have been molested by a same-sex adult, are treated like the lepers in the Bible. They are seen as a dangerous threat to society, and their attempts to seek therapeutic help must be outlawed.
Is bullying and persecution a gay civil right? No, it’s not; homofascism is wrong. Unless we stop it now as was accomplished with the Duck Dynasty backlash, homofascism will spread to persecute anyone who dares to disagree with the gay lobby, regardless if you live in Manhattan or the woods of Louisiana – no one will be spared. When irrational fears of male-female heterosexuality instigate demands for public censorship and obedience to the gay lobby, silence is not an option.
All who call themselves Christians must speak out against injustice and homofascism. Otherwise, we will lose America – and our souls.