This spiritual bouquet novena begins on 21 November and ends on 29 November, the Vigil of St. Andrew. We will email daily prayers to those who join up below to pray for President-elect Trump’s conversion to the Catholic faith.
12701 people have joined the novena for Donald Trump.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Thy Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, we beseech Thee to look with favor upon Thy servant, President Donald Trump, as he assumes his public office. Guide him in this task by Thy Holy Spirit. Draw him ever closer to Thyself. Surround him with men and women of living faith. Give him heavenly wisdom to accomplish his work here on earth.
Make him a man of prayer. Give him an ever-deepening hunger for the Truth found in Thy Holy Word and the teaching of Thy Church. Pour forth upon him the spirit of wisdom, charity, and true service. May St. Michael the Archangel protect him against the evil one. Please Lord, help him to both discern – and work for – the real common good. Use him to promote authentic peace and justice, in this nation, and with other nations.
Lead him to embrace Thy One True Faith. Enlighten his mind with Thy Holy Spirit that he may defend the sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death. May he protect and defend authentic marriage, and the family and the social order founded upon it. May he promote authentic human freedom, including economic freedom, governing with a heart for the poor.
May he recognize, affirm and uphold the Natural Moral Law and Thy Divine Law in his exercise of governance as the President of the United States of America. Grant him the grace to turn away from all forms of evil and self-interest, and to lead with humility, integrity, and compassion. O Lord, we place President Trump in Thy hands. May he always seek to serve Thee above all, and lead with a heart transformed by Thy love. And we ask for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Patroness of the United States of America, for him, his family and our nation. Amen.