November 30, 2016 (LiveActionNews) — In light of recent pro-life victories, including the nation’s decision on November 8th to elect pro-lifers to several key political offices, one abortionist apparently considers himself to be righteously enduring persecution.
In a Wednesday op-ed for, abortionist Willie Parker — who has defended his abortion “ministry” on religious grounds, stating, “I do abortions because I’m a Christian,” and has professed some seriously disturbing views on aborted fetal remains — invoked the Biblical book of Job in his defense of violently ending preborn life.
“My Christian mind remembered the words of Job as his trials unfolded: ‘That which I have feared greatly has come upon me,'” laments Parker, in a rather blatantly ridiculous personal application of Scripture.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe Job was “afflicted” by laws restricting his lucrative practice of dismembering local children. Actually, according to the Bible, one of Job’s afflictions was the death of his children. Interesting twist there, Willie.
Following his misuse of a Biblical quote, Parker immediately proceeds to quote Amy Winehouse, claiming that his “brain remembered the opening line from an Amy Winehouse song: ‘What kind of [F***] is this?'”
Naturally, the “F***” Parker is referring to is the election of a pro-life president and Congress members, and the pro-life legislation that will likely ensue. “Winehouse’s term is impolite,” explains Parker, “but the reversal of laws to make abortion unsafe once again is profane.”
Like much of the op-ed, Parker’s argument here is barely even worth addressing, but just in case anyone legitimately didn’t already know this, pro-lifers, such as Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.), aim to make abortion “unthinkable” — not “unsafe.”
In another blatant twisting of reality, Parker ignores the fact that big business abortion targets minorities, instead claiming pro-lifers are the ones targeting minorities.
“We have already seen that legislative attacks on abortion access target low-income women, women of color, young women, and immigrant women,” argues Parker.
This is a very interesting argument, considering the fact that the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, has been known to specifically target Black and other minority communities for “population control.” One of Live Action’s investigations revealed Planned Parenthood’s willingness to accept racially-motivated donations — in other words, donations given specifically to abort Black babies for racist reasons:
Regardless of the amount of catchy phrases and promises of “help” and “care,” the abortion industry’s willingness to abort Black lives – especially in such disproportionately high numbers – is not “helping” the Black community.
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At one point, New York City reported more abortions of Black babies than births of Black babies. But of course, working to save those babies and help their mothers is, according to Parker, a targeted attack on people of color? Hmmm.
Earlier this year, Baltimore Ravens tight end Ben Watson talked about the real attack on people of color:
I do know that blacks kind of represent a large portion of the abortions, and I do know that honestly the whole idea with Planned Parenthood and [Margaret] Sanger in the past was to exterminate blacks, and it’s kind of ironic that it’s working…. We [as minorities] support candidates, and overwhelmingly support the idea of having Planned Parenthood and the like. We are buying it hook, line, and sinker, like it’s a great thing. It’s just amazing to me and abortion saddens me, period; but it seems to be something that is really pushed on minorities and provided to minorities….
Toward the end of his op-ed, Parker urges readers to give their money to organizations pushing abortion, including Planned Parenthood. It’s certainly amusing to see abortionists flounder for arguments for why they should be allowed to continue ending life and profiting from it. So persecuted they are — at least according to the lost Biblical ‘book of Willie.’
Reprinted with permission from Live Action News.