On Wednesday, the Pro-Life Action League took to the streets of Chicago for a “Face the Truth” Day outside three abortion clinics, bringing the reality of what abortion does to its victims into the public square.
When we reached our second site, All Women’s Health Clinic, we were shocked to find that it was closed!
Seeing “For Rent” on the door, my colleague John Jansen called the number on the sign and they confirmed that All Women’s was indeed no longer in business and the space was up for rent.
All Women’s was formerly owned and operated by abortionist Mandy Gittler, who killed young Tonya Reaves in a botched abortion in July of 2012 at Planned Parenthood in Chicago, where she also performs abortions.
Truth Day Plans Adjusted on the Fly
Acting quickly, we moved our second site of the Truth Day to the aforementioned Planned Parenthood location on LaSalle and Division streets and the day of activism continued without a hitch.
We finished out the day at Family Planning Associates on Washington Street, where Ann Scheidler was able to distribute some pro-life literature to abortion-bound mothers even with serious interference from clinic “escorts” and police.
Was League Pressure the Deciding Factor?
The closing of All Women’s Health is all the more interesting in light of the fact that the League held a Face the Truth Day last June targeting All Women’s and the Planned Parenthood where Gittler works after it was revealed 911 was never even called on the day Reaves died!
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Whether the League’s pressure on her business made her close up shop or whether there were other factors involved remains unclear, though the pressure we put on abortionist Cheryl Chastine last year did result in her being ousted from the family practice where she formerly worked [PDF], so it wouldn’t be the first time the League’s activism drove an abortionist out of work.
We’ll be keeping a close eye on the situation to be sure that All Women’s Health doesn’t attempt to re-open in another location.
Whatever the reason for the closure, we rejoice that there is one fewer location in Chicago where unborn babies will be killed and we’re happy to shift focus to the remaining abortion facilities.
Reprinted with permission from the Pro-Life Action League.