WASHINGTON, D.C., January 13, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – A prominent moral theologian and Dominican priest lit up Twitter on Friday with a series of tweets roasting heterodox interpretations of Amoris Laetitia.
Father Thomas Petri, Vice President and Academic Dean of The Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies, showed with these tweets that the Dominican order's longstanding reputation for fighting and squashing heresy is well-deserved. He was responding in particular to news that the Catholic bishops in Malta approved Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried.
Malta's bishops say it may be humanly impossible to avoid sex (in a civil remarriage). I wonder what they think about their own celibacy. https://t.co/0D7xOM1pbc
— Fr. Thomas Petri, OP (@PetriOP) January 13, 2017
Memo to Students: Precision in footnotes is important. Your salvation may be at stake. #ResearchTips #AmorisLaetitia
— Fr. Thomas Petri, OP (@PetriOP) January 13, 2017
St. John Paul II called out this nonsense over two decades ago in Veritatis Splendor, conveniently forgotten by Maltese bishops. pic.twitter.com/69tN1inHaP
— Fr. Thomas Petri, OP (@PetriOP) January 13, 2017
Bishops & conferences promulgating diametrically opposing norms and people still want to say #AmorisLaetitia ch 8 needs no clarification?
— Fr. Thomas Petri, OP (@PetriOP) January 13, 2017
Anathema sit! https://t.co/GDvkb2c9Ah
— Fr. Thomas Petri, OP (@PetriOP) January 13, 2017
Go here for more on the Maltese bishops' decision.