The National Organization for Women calls them “The Dirty 100.” You might call them the Hundred Heroes. The pro-abortion feminist group released a list of 100 organizations that have filed lawsuits against the HHS mandate of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare.
That provision requires all but a narrowly defined group of religious organizations to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient drugs to their employees with no co-pay. The Supreme Court ruled that the HHS mandate violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act last month in a 5-4 decision.
NOW made headlines by naming the Little Sisters of the Poor one of the “Dirty 100.” Also on the list are several Catholic dioceses, the archbishop of Miami, several evangelical Christian universities, and the ministry of Dr. James Dobson.
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Less reported was the fact that NOW likened the ecumenical belief that it is wrong to participate in potentially abortion-inducing “contraceptive” practices with slavery, apartheid, and…the ecumenical belief that marriage is between one man and one woman:
[T]here are some “beliefs,” no matter how sincerely held, that should simply not be respected by the United States government or by any government. A “belief” that works to the detriment of a specific demographic group that has historically been subjected to discrimination and oppression is simply a religious mask for bigotry. The world has rejected the religious “beliefs” that were offered to justify the apartheid regime in South Africa. Our nation long ago rejected the Southern Baptist Association’s religious “belief” in slavery and segregation. And more recently, the religious “beliefs” offered up in 2008 to justify California’s Proposition 8 banning same-sex marriage are now being roundly rejected. So it should be with the “belief” that women can be singled out for restrictions on their access to preventive health care like contraception. (We note that Catholic doctrine considers vasectomy a sin, but the Catholic bishops have not been walking up and down the halls of Congress, or orchestrating federal lawsuits, to demand the government create special rules blocking men’s access to that procedure.)
The feminist group encourages people to “[s]tand with NOW and tell them it is not acceptable for employers to impose their personal beliefs on their employees.” You may wish to keep these groups in mind when making your business, college, or donation plans.
They are:
American Family Association
American MFG Co
American Pulverizer Co
Annex Medical
Autocam Corp
Ave Maria School of Law
Ave Maria University
Barron Industries
Beckwith Electric Co
Belmont Abbey College
Bick Holdings, Inc.
Cherry Creek Mortgage Co
CNS Ministries
Colorado Christian University
Conestoga Wood Specialities Corp
Continuum Health Partnership/Management
Criswell College
Doboszenski & Sons
Dordt College
Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk
East Texas Baptist University
Eden Foods
Encompass, Develop, Design & Construct LLC
Eternal Word Television Network Inc.
Fellowship of Catholic University
Feltl & Co., Inc.
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Freshway Foods
Grace College and Seminary
Grote Industries
Hart electric LLC
Hastings Automotive
Hercules Industries Inc.
Hobby Lobby
Holland Chevrolet
Infrastructure Alternatives
Johnson Welded Products
Korte & Luitjohan Contractors
Liberty University
Lindsay Rappaport and Postel LLC
Little Sisters of the Poor
Louisiana College
M&N Plastics
Mersino Management Company
Michigan Catholic Conference
MK Chambers Company
O’Brien Industrial Holdings
Paul Wieland
Priests for Life
QC Group Inc.
Randy Reed Automotives
Reaching Souls International
Right to Life Michigan
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis
Roman Catholic Diocese of Beaumont
Roman Catholic Diocese of Biloxi
Roman Catholic Diocese of Cheyenne
Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas
Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie
Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort-Wayne – South Bend
Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville
Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh
School of the Ozarks
Seneca Hardwood
Sharpe Holdings, Inc.
Sioux Chief MFG Co
Southern Nazarene University
The Most Reverend Thomas Wenski
Tonn and Blank Construction
Trijicon, Inc. (AKA Bindon)
Triune Health Group
Tyndale House
University of Notre Dame
Weingartz Supply Co
Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL)
Willis & Willis PLC
WLH Enterprises
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