Slate has published a wonderful series of photos of babies only seconds in the world.
According to some very prominent bioethicists – past and present – certain, or even any, of these littlest people are killable – either because they are denigrated as human “non-persons” or because they have terminal or seriously disabling conditions. These advocates for infanticide include:
– Peter Singer.
– Jonathan Glover.
– Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva.
– Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche.
It’s already happening (again). Netherlander doctors openly kill disabled newborns under the Groningen Protocol, a bureaucratic killing checklist published with all due respect in medical journals (including the New England Journal of Medicine).
It is also worth recalling that a representative for Planned Parenthood of Florida once okayed infanticide after a botched abortion in legislative testimony.
So. I applaud the photographs. But, we also have to remember that the right to life of these newbies is under a material threat. L’Chaim!
Reprinted with permission from National Review Online.