

98 years ago, on October 16th, Margaret Sanger opened the first clinic that would eventually grow into the abortion behemoth that is Planned Parenthood. And they chose to celebrate in a rather odd way… by tweeting out a picture of baby carriages.

Kind of an odd choice of imagery, don’t you think? After all, neither Margaret Sanger nor Planned Parenthood are fans of babies. Recent footage found of Sanger showed her proclaiming no more babies, in her push to make women stop procreating, whether they agreed or not.

This is in addition to her racist, eugenicist tendencies, in which she argued that some groups of people should never have been born, and that areas dominated by minorities should have birth control put into the water by the government to prevent them from breeding. She was in favor of forced sterilization, and thought that people with large families should kill infants.

OK, so Margaret Sanger wasn’t a big fan of babies. What about Planned Parenthood today?

Well, since Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood alone has performed more than 6 million abortions, more than any other abortion provider in the United States. Meanwhile, their latest annual report showed that abortion makes up 94% of their “pregnancy services.” Their prenatal care has dropped over 50% since 2009, and they perform 149 abortions for every one adoption referral they make.

Yeah, Planned Parenthood’s not so much for the babies either. But hey, they’ll tweet out a picture of baby carriages because… why, exactly? They help women reject their babies. They try to paint themselves as a “women’s health” organization, but their business is abortion, plain and simple. If they had it their way, women wouldn’t need those pesky baby carriages, because they wouldn’t have any babies.

Happy Birthday Planned Parenthood, indeed. Congratulations on helping kill off an entire generation.

Reprinted with permission from Live Action News