April 10, 2017 (40DaysforLife) — “Rejoice with me!” That’s what one of the 40 Days for Life leaders in Michigan said while announcing good news.
So – here’s some good news at the conclusion of another miracle-packed 40 Days for Life campaign.
During these past 40 days, we have been made aware of 437 babies spared from abortion – that we know of! And reports from local leaders are still coming in, so that number is expected to rise.
Want more good news?
We just heard that an abortion worker has had a change of heart and left the business.
We do like to keep details private, but one of the local coordinators notes that this person “will need lots of prayers as workers need to go through healing, not unlike the women that are post abortive.”
This now makes 144 abortion employees who have experienced conversions and quit their jobs during 40 days for Life campaigns.
Even more good news?
We’ve recently been told that an abortion center in Toms River, New Jersey has in fact shut down.
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The facility announced it was “temporarily” suspending operations some time back – that notice is still posted on their website – but all signs point to a permanent closure. It no longer had enough clients to remain open.
There are now 84 abortion centers where 40 Days for Life vigils have been held that have gone out of business.
Praise God! And rejoice!
Reprinted with permission from 40 Days for Life.