December 1, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The “rigidity” of the Traditional Latin Mass is precisely why young people are attracted to it, a man explained in a concise piece at the Catholic Herald.
Paolo Gambi was writing in response to recent remarks from Pope Francis criticizing the “rigidity” of youth who are attached to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. The pontiff suggested such people are “insecure” and “defensive” and that “true love is not rigid.”
“The Old Mass is 'rigid' itself – and that’s a good thing,” Gambi wrote. “We, the younger generation, need some rigidity, surrounded as we are by weak systems of thought and 'liquid societies'. If we perceive the Mass as something rigid, uncompromising and rigorous, it can be attractive. If it is just something social, then we have better social places to go.”
Latin is a unifying symbol of Catholic identity, Gambi wrote: “Latin has been the language of Western Catholics since the beginning. If the objection is that in the past it was the most widely spoken language and now people don’t use it, then let all Masses be in English. Or maybe in Chinese. Latin is not just an old language; it is a symbol of our identity.”
He also noted that the Traditional Latin Mass has “better vestments, more solemn songs, more reverence.”
“Beauty is an attribute of God,” he explained. “If beauty decreases, it becomes more difficult to see God.”