'I took this dramatic step because those who should have done so were effectively turning a blind eye,' says the pro-life leader who launched the case.
These kids are very inspiring. They are not afraid to talk about God and the religious basis of why they’re there. And they clearly understand the terrible things that secularism has done to society.
The party brass aggressively promoted the two candidates after concluding in a post-2012 election report that the party’s position against same-sex “marriage” was hurting them with millennial voters.
Apathy from pro-choicers is, quite frankly, terrifying. Apathy from pro-lifers is just as--if not even more terrifying--than the apathy of pro-choicers.
Suicide promoters are now using the word “dignity” as a synonym for suicide, more than implying that dying naturally is not dignity. That is not only cruel, it is wrong.
Now that we have expressed our pro-life voices on the ballot, we must mobilize our efforts to fight swiftly and efficaciously the aggressive assault on women, pre-born children, youth, families, and marriage.
Society’s goal should be to help "disabled people live independent lives with dignity,” not to encourage them—or as we see in Europe, force them—to die.
'I honestly had a song about abortion and I've had people come to me and say that song was the reason why I decided to have my child,' said hip-hop artist, Common, at White House event.