Indiana Planned Parenthood Caught On Tape Giving Fabricated Medical Information

INDIANAPOLIS, July 20, 2010 ( -The youth-led pro-life group Live Action released a new undercover video today showing staff at an Indianapolis Planned Parenthood clinic using manipulative and medically inaccurate counseling to convince a young woman to have an abortion. This is the third undercover video Live Action has released showing abusive counseling practices at Planned Parenthood of Indiana.   When the woman, purportedly 10-weeks pregnant, asks the clinician, named “Sarah,” when her baby's heart begins to beat, Sarah replies, “It's around I think the 8th or the 9th week that you can hear the heartbeat.” The heart actually begins […]

Michigan Abortions Decrease 13.9%

By James Tillman July 20, 2010 ( – A total of 22,357 abortions were reported in Michigan in 2009.  This is a 13.9% decrease since 2008 and a 54.4% decrease since 1987, which saw the greatest recorded number of abortions in Michigan. “We are extremely grateful for the continuing decrease in Michigan abortions despite the hard economic times we've faced in Michigan,” said Right to Life of Michigan President Babara Listing. “The fact that fewer mothers are having abortions in Michigan shows more and more women are coming to the realization that abortion is not the answer for an unplanned […]

Disabled Black Pastor Arrested for Preaching on Public Right of Way

By Kathleen Gilbert CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, July 19, 2010 ( – A disabled black pastor was arrested in Charlotte Saturday after giving pro-life witness on public property outside an abortion facility. At 8:30 AM on July 17, Pastor Ronnie Wallace, a pastor and disabled veteran, was arrested by seven police officers on the public right of way in front of the Family Reproductive Health Abortion Clinic on Hebron St, Charlotte N.C. The police reportedly insisted that Wallace was violating an ordinance that forbids blocking the right of way “in consideration of the harm or risk created by the obstruction.” Pastor […]

Denver Archdiocese Vindicates Priest Falsely Accused of Sex Abuse

Friday July 16, 2010 Denver Archdiocese Vindicates Priest Falsely Accused of Sex Abuse By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., July 16, 2010 ( – The Archdiocese of Denver has released a statement that highlights the other victims of the sex abuse scandal that has battered the Catholic Church in the United States and other parts of the Western world: innocent priests defamed by false accusations. Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput announced Tuesday that a deceased priest was vindicated of allegations of sexual abuse, said to have occurred decades ago, after a thorough diocesan investigation. Monsignor William Higgins, a priest who served […]

New Documentary on Homosexual Threat to Religious Freedom

Thursday May 13, 2010 New Documentary on Homosexual Threat to Religious Freedom By James Tillman WASHINGTON, DC, May 13, 2010 ( — The Family Research Council (FRC) has released a new documentary addressing the threat that a homosexualist non-discrimination law being pushed in America poses to religious liberty and to freedom of speech. The documentary, entitled “ENDA: The End of Religious Freedom in America,” exposes the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which ostensibly intends to prohibit businesses from discriminating against individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. However, as pro-family leaders warn, the legislation has already been shown to wreak […]

School Group Told Not to Pray on U.S. Supreme Court Steps

By James Tillman WASHINGTON, July 19, 2010 ( – Earlier this year police reportedly told a Christian school teacher who was leading her students in quiet, private prayer on the steps of the Supreme Court building that she was not permitted to pray there. The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), a Christian legal association, has sent a letter to Supreme Court officials threatening legal action unless the Supreme Court police retract their policy and permit the teacher to exercise her constitutionally-protected right to the free exercise of religion. “Christians shouldn’t be silenced for exercising their beliefs through quiet prayer on public […]

Maryland Plan Indicates HHS Approved High Risk Pools With No Abortion Requirements

By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., July 19, 2010 ( – Was the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approving state applications for running federal high-risk insurance pools without a second thought to abortion? That is how it seems to the National Right to Life Committee, which discovered that Maryland’s plan to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions also had no restrictions on abortion coverage until media attention and public controversy propelled the HHS to clarify the matter. In an email sent Friday to, NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson said that Maryland was “on the way to providing […]

Feds Hand $23 Million to Kenya Proxies Fighting for Pro-Abortion Constitution

By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., July 19, 2010 ( – With Kenya’s pivotal referendum on a new pro-abortion constitution just a few weeks away, three pro-life congressmen have brought forward more evidence that the U.S. federal government has heavily invested in procuring the approval of the document – to the tune of $23 million*. The U.S. has also enlisted pro-abortion groups to convince Kenyans to approve the constitution, they said, despite the existence of federal laws prohibiting such activity. Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Africa and Global Health Subcommittee, along with Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), Ranking Member […]

Thousands Support Catholic Prof Fired for Explaining Church Teaching on Homosexuality

By Kathleen Gilbert URBANA, Illinois, July 19, 2010 ( – A University of Illinois professor fired for explaining the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality has gathered several thousands of students, alumni, and others – including the head of the the University's atheist club – demanding that the Catholic professor be reinstated. Meanwhile, some faculty have reacted by eyeing the local Catholic diocese with suspicion for being permitted to control the content of courses teaching the Catholic faith.    Dr. Kenneth Howell was fired from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) after an email explaining the Church's teaching on homosexuality […]

Nebraska Judge Blocks Bill Screening High-Risk Abortion-Bound Women

Thursday July 15, 2010 Nebraska Judge Blocks Bill Screening High-Risk Abortion-Bound Women By Kathleen Gilbert OMAHA, Nebraska, July 15, 2010 ( – A U.S. District Court Judge in Nebraska has granted a preliminary injunction requested by Planned Parenthood and blocked enforcement of a law that would have ensured that mothers seeking abortions undergo mental health screening. Judge Laurie Smith Camp of Federal District Court on Wednesday blocked enforcement of LB 594, saying that the bill’s framework “creates a profound chilling effect” on abortionists’ practice, and creates “substantial, likely insurmountable obstacles in the path of women seeking abortions in Nebraska.” The […]