About the Show
A Shepherd’s Voice will be a Catholic podcast in which Bishop Joseph Strickland boldly proclaims the teachings of the Catholic Faith with clarity and charity. Through the eyes of tradition, each episode will offer deep insights into the deposit of faith, spiritual guidance, and ancient wisdom to help listeners grow in faith and holiness. There will be no compromise, no ambiguity—just the voice of a shepherd leading the flock closer to Christ.
Recent Episodes
Bishop Strickland denounces Pope Francis’ ‘denigration’ of the Latin Mass
The idea ‘all religions lead to God’ violates the First Commandment | Bishop Strickland
Bishop Strickland: ‘We are a Church that believes in miracles’
Bishop Strickland: The Church is not a ‘corporation’ but the Mystical Body of Christ
Bishop Strickland: Christ’s yoke can help lighten the burdens and trials of our lives
Bishop Strickland: Advent helps us repent of our sins and direct our focus back to Christ
Bishop Strickland: Children are ‘not a commodity to be acquired’ via surrogacy
Bishop Strickland: Some Church leaders ‘caught up in finding their own truth,’ ignoring the Gospel
Bishop Strickland: This world is passing away, so keep your eyes fixed on Christ in heaven
Bishop Strickland: Our entire lives must be offered up in thanksgiving to God
Bishop Strickland: Abortion remains the preeminent issue of our time
Bishop Strickland: I’m grateful that Pope Francis is speaking about the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Bishop Strickland: Don’t wait until tomorrow to get your spiritual life in order
Bishop Strickland: Catholics are called to vote in accord with ‘the truth and values’ of our faith
Bishop Strickland has a strong statement for Vatican leaders who want to change Church teaching
Bishop Strickland: Prayer should challenge us to repent and firmly commit to discipleship
Bishop Strickland: The Church needs genuine shepherds who unapologetically preach the truth