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About the Show
Formerly Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam, Mother Miriam Live brings you inspiration and solutions for life’s many challenges. Host Mother Miriam is a Catholic nun on a mission to bring hope to a world that has lost its way – let her share that hope and joy with you! To tune into Mother Miriam Live, go to her Facebook page here every Monday to Friday at 2PM EST.
Recent Episodes
Mother Miriam shares her thoughts on Trump’s immigration policies
St. Francis de Sales: one of the most inspiring figures in Church history
Protestant stereotypes about Catholics couldn’t be further from the truth
Every Christian family should model themselves on the Holy Family
How Mary and Joseph had a valid marriage without consummating it
Epiphany celebrates God’s revelation of salvation to the Gentiles
Does the Church still measure purgatory time in terms of years?
Why it was necessary for Our Lady to remain a virgin her entire life
Here’s what it means to have a firm purpose of amendment in confession
My wife opposes bringing our children to a Catholic church. What should I do?