In addition to enormous payouts channeled to the Biden family, many former U.S. senators and congressmen have profited significantly by lobbying for the Chinese military or intelligence-linked organizations.
Enquanto a China comunista procura o holofote da fama durante os Jogos Olímpicos, a LifeSiteNews dedica-se a destacar a multidão de formas de que a China usa e abusa para assassinar as pessoas e as despojar dos seus direitos.
As communist China seeks the spotlight during the Olympics, LifeSiteNews is dedicated to shining a light on the myriad of ways China has stripped people of their rights, abused, and murdered them.
We don’t have to watch the Games and we don’t have to buy goods made in China. Most of all, we don’t have to re-elect those who have been bought off by that tyrannical regime.