Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom blasted efforts to strip voters of the option to choose the former president, calling moves to do so a 'political distraction' even though he says Trump allegedly poses a 'threat to our liberties and even to our democracy.'
Though Gavin Newsom has repeatedly waved away rumors that he’s vying for the White House anytime soon, the 56-year-old California executive has taken virtually every opportunity to inject himself into national politics.
The foreign policy-heavy debate focused primarily on how the U.S. should react to ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Europe, and the 'cold war' with China through the first hour, only spending the final 10 minutes on the abortion issue after referencing the disappointing results of Tuesday's elections.
‘It was a militarized and monetized response. It was a pretense for clamping down totalitarian controls,’ RFK, Jr. told Russell Brand. ‘And the weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military.’
During his CNN appearance, Trump was asked a total of seven times to clarify whether he would support a federal abortion ban. Trump later claimed that thanks to his efforts, 'we now have a great negotiating ability … Some people are at six weeks; some people are at three weeks, two weeks … it depends what the deal is.'