Blessed Sacrament Parish in Regina posted footage of the February 9 arson attack on social media and pleaded for those who know anything to contact the police.
Both Conservative leader Pierre Poilivere and People's Party leader Maxime Bernier took to social media to condemn the dubiously legal arrest of Rebel News reporter David Menzies, who was ultimately released by police without charge.
'My brother's face is pouring blood,' Josh Alexander told a police officer at the event. 'I warned you ten minutes before it happened. You refused to do your job. I need to speak to an officer.'
Day three and four of the trial against Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber saw the judge express her displeasure with the Crown for improperly submitting thousands of pages of evidence.
'My high school will be forced to hear my appeals regarding, multiple suspensions, exclusions, and the trespassing notice,' pro-family student activist Josh Alexander announced.