President Biden’s massive increase in home-based rapid antigen tests will lead to a tsunami of false-positive results, which will indefinitely extend the current 'casedemic.'
‘I’ve heard overwhelmingly from my district,’ said the bill’s lead sponsor, Delegate Jordan Maynor. ‘I think it’s time to empower parents to start making these decisions.’
Numerous scientific papers offer contrary indications to the mainstream media's narrative, which promotes the theory of asymptomatic transmission as being a driving cause of the spread of COVID-19.
We restate emphatically that the concept of ‘asymptomatic spread’ of the COVID-19 virus was devised to frighten the population into compliance and, contrary to what we were told, it was not central to this pandemic.
Twitter's pretentious rhetoric about 'healthy conversation' is simply there to dress up a group of partisan activists trying to manipulate how the public thinks by limiting what they can see – activists who, by the way, have no more expertise on medicine or any other subject than the people they’re regulating.