Ahead of the October session of the Synod on Synodality, the Belgian bishops have renewed their call to open Holy Orders to married men and for the creation of a female deaconate.
Fernández has made clear that he would approve ‘blessing’ sin, contrary to the Revelation of God given in Scripture, revealed in natural law – a sacrilege against the Lord’s good creation.
In an exclusive interview, Cardinal Müller tells LifeSiteNews how the 'LGBT ideology,' like what is being presented at the so-called 'German Synodal Path,' is seeking to complete a 'hostile takeover of the Church.'
In this exclusive interview, Müller speaks candidly about the 'anti-human' forces of evil at play in the Church, speaking directly to the current crisis in the hierarchy of Holy Mother Church.
'Situations that are objectively wrong from a moral point of view cannot be blessed. God's grace does not shine on the path of sin,' said Cardinal Willem Eijk of Utrecht.
The Revealed Truth of God, which is recorded unabridged and unadulterated by the Church in the 'teaching of the apostles' (Acts 2:42), cannot be overcome, supplemented or corrected by any speculative or empirical science from the created reason of man, wrote the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
On this week's Faith & Reason, the panel reacts to the formal correction of Pope Francis' statement on Holy Communion by several bishops and scholars, the recent controversy over the Pope signing an 'ecumenical' document which asserted (before it was modified) that God wills 'differences in religion,' the delayed trial of Cardinal Joseph Zen, and Belgian bishops endorsing the idea of blessing ceremonies for same-sex 'couples.'