Radical liberation theologians push for overthrow of Catholic doctrine at Amazon synod Synod preparatory document pushes women 'priests,' says Christianity isn't only true religion News Maike Hickson and Matthew Cullinan Hoffman • Sep 3, 2019Jun 18, 2021
English bishops’ new charity chief partnered with pro-abortion groups in past Christine Allen, who has partnered with pro-abortion organizations in the past, is the new director of CAFOD. News Dorothy Cummings McLean • Nov 26, 2018Jun 18, 2021
UK bishops’ charity hired ex-Oxfam staffer involved in Haiti sex scandal CAFOD has found itself embroiled in the massive Oxfam sex abuse scandal. News Claire Chretien • Feb 13, 2018Jun 18, 2021
Pro-abortion charity’s workers used Haiti earthquake victims as prostitutes The scandal is unfolding as more information surfaces about how much Oxfam knew of its workers' gross misconduct. News Claire Chretien • Feb 13, 2018Jun 18, 2021
UK bishops’ charity will keep pro-abortion Catholic as theological advisor Promoting abortion in foreign countries is not a disqualifier for advising the Catholic overseas aid agency, it seems. News Claire Chretien • Jun 10, 2016Jun 18, 2021
Actions speak louder than words when it comes to abortion The unborn have no voices except ours, they have no means for action except us. Opinion Deacon Nick Donnelly • Jun 3, 2016Jun 18, 2021
Catholics concerned as advisor to UK Bishops’ aid agency backs pro-abortion effort CAFOD has distanced themselves from the campaign, but hasn't said if the advisor will stay on. News Claire Chretien • May 10, 2016Jun 18, 2021