Articles tagged Character Assassination

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Jason Evert: attacked by witches, fake news, and tomato soup

Witches attacked chastity speaker Jason Evert, who travels the world teaching about Christ’s plan for the dignity of the human person. The witches cursed and rallied against Evert, but Evert’s message reached even more students after taking his speech online. Not satisfied with this, Evert’s detractors even assaulted him, dumping a can of tomato soup on Evert during one of his in-person speeches. Evert responded with prayer and petition to the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, the mainstream media has focused only on baselessly tearing down Evert’s character for his pro-family values and mischaracterizing Evert’s Catholic message on the family. Watch […]

Are we slipping toward dictatorship?

Missouri v. Biden shows us that the Biden Administration, its lackeys in Congress, and its electoral organ, the DNC, have not yet erected a full dictatorship. Nevertheless, their conduct reveals that they aspire to do so and have already done much to achieve their ambition.