On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon discusses the many crises facing the Western world and ponders the question, 'What are Western values, exactly?'
New U.K. surveillance measures could criminalize encrypted messaging and other private communications as part of a broader effort to suppress dissent against the liberal-global establishment.
Today – or rather, tonight – in 1462, Vlad the Impaler launched a midnight raid against Ottoman sultan Muhammad II and his Muslim invaders – a raid that would cause Vlad's name to live on forever as Dracula, the terror of the night.
'The Church is one and belongs only to Christ, who is its divine Head, of whom the Pope is Vicar. Bergoglio has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he is acting as an emissary of the deep church to discredit the Papacy and the Catholic Church.'
Abortion is an act of worship to Satan. It is a human sacrifice offered to demons, and this is proudly affirmed by the very adepts of the 'church of Satan.'
Liberalism was an attempt to continue Christianity without Christ. In defense of the sanctity of human life and liberty it inherited, it replaced the divine with Reason.
The Princess criticized people in the West for wanting to live in a 'natural and healthy' environment while accepting the 'most atrocious and unnatural and unhealthy proceedings'
Chesterton’s parable, lunatics: men “already outside the world of reason,” whose unrestrained rage to destroy is only matched by their profound inability to create anything of real and lasting value.