As St. Stephen was on the verge of death, stoned mercilessly for proclaiming the Gospel, he cried out: 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.' What a profound example of forgiveness and trust in Christ.
The American transgender lobby is under fire after the U.S. Senate passed a bill to halt taxpayer-funded ‘gender transitions’ for military children and Donald Trump vowed to sign orders ‘to stop the transgender lunacy.’
We are now 25% short of our fundraising needs. Your donation today helps to bridge the gap and ensure we continue to report on life, faith, family, and freedom. Join our mission today!
As Christmas approaches, our new video on the real story of St. Nicholas offers amazing, little-known details about the saint who has inspired gift-giving for centuries at this time of year.
A generous reader has pledged to double your gift to LifeSiteNews – but the clock is ticking! Help us close the gap on our goal in the next 24 hours. Together, we can do so much more for life, faith, family, and freedom; please prayerfully consider donating today!
We are currently 40% short of our campaign target, but now is a great time to give after a generous donor has pledged a gift up to $20,000 in matching donations made in the next 48 hours!
With just one day left on our 2024 Christmas Campaign and 48 percent of our goal still to reach, we need your help more than ever to preach the message of hope in our increasingly secularized world.