God lets a crisis in society and in the Church take place so that mankind can amend its ways and find its way back to Him. Just as in our personal lives, it sometimes takes a shocking event to wake us up and change our ways.
The moment of Scrooge’s conversion is legendary, and is the closest depiction I have ever read of what happens in a man’s soul when he accepts the logical justice of damnation and undeserved privilege to repent.
We all know that light shines brightest in the darkness. The darkness is becoming overwhelming thus we have a time for evangelization now the likes of which we have never experienced.
I am looking forward to so many good things—cooking Christmas Eve supper, baking the Christmas morning bun, assembling the Christmas dinner trifle, opening the presents, seeing our friends, admiring the sheep—that the shocks and horrors of recent weeks have receded into the background.