Are traditional Catholics going into schism?
Many Catholics question whether traditionalists are heading toward schism — or if they are simply standing firm in the faith. Despite increasing accusations of apostasy, Francis remains popular among secular figures like Madonna, who has long mocked the Church. There are tensions within Catholicism, the responsibility of the faithful to uphold truth, and the urgent need for prayer — both for the conversion of Pope Francis and those who distort the Church’s mission. WATCH THE FULL SHOW HERE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/catholics-must-never-lose-hope-when-the-faith-is-attacked-whether-by-madonna-or-pope-francis/ U.S. residents! Create a will with LifeSiteNews: https://www.mylegacywill.com/lifesitenews **** PROTECT Your Wealth with gold, silver, and precious metals: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews +++ SHOP […]