Articles tagged Church Of England

Queen Elizabeth’s former chaplain shares what working for the Royal Family was really like

On this week's episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon sits down with the former chaplain to Queen Elizabeth II. Gavin Ashenden, who has since converted to Catholicism, describes what the position and the Royal Family were like, the role of faith in their public and private lives, and whether the royal title 'Defender of the Faith' even means anything now in this post-Christian era.

Beware the remaking of the parish by glib marketing experts

What this means in practice — and we know this because these things are have been happening, to some extent, for years — is 'lay-led' parishes, lay-led 'Communion services,' lay parish catechists wholly ignorant of or (or hostile to) the Faith being put in charge of sacramental preparation, and selling off church buildings.