House Speaker John Boehner has announced the eight Republicans who will serve on the House Energy & Commerce Committee's Select Investigative Panel looking into Planned Parenthood.
'We’re being forced to diminish our Catholic identity and what we believe in favor of the government’s ideology,' lamented Tom Burnford, education secretary for the Archdiocese of Washington.
"More than a year after the conviction of the abortionist Kermit Gosnell, it is long past time that the Senate move forward and pass this bipartisan legislation to help protect the health of women and children," Rep. Diane Black said.
“It's time for Americans and especially Congress to take a second look and defund Planned Parenthood,” said Congressman Chris Smith, R-NJ. “Hopefully this will help us finally put an end U.S. taxpayer support, funding and complicity with this violence against children.”
Healthcare Conscience Rights Act would protect the constitutional freedom of individuals and employers to live and act in accordance with their deeply held beliefs.