The Vatican’s two-year extension of permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass in parish churches in the Diocese of Arlington has a catch: They must offer the Novus Ordo instead of the TLM one Sunday a month.
'It is with great sorrow that I learned today of the unsettling discovery of the body of an unborn baby,' described by police as a ‘late-term fetus,’ Bishop Michael Burbidge stated, urging the faithful to pray for the deceased child.
'Pilgrimages are a wonderful, lost part of traditional Catholicism, and their beauty is a great tool of evangelization,' said Noah Peters of the Arlington Latin Mass Society.
Dr. Brian Flanagan – a professor at 'Catholic' Marymount University located in the Diocese of Arlington – openly admits that he is 'married' to another man and publicly broadcasts his homosexual activism. Flanagan will replace Cardinal Louis Tagle as the keynote speaker for the heretical Association of US Catholic Priests, due to a scheduling conflict on the part of the prominent cardinal.