St. Placid surpassed everyone in prudence, gravity, kindness, and unruffled tranquility of mind. His holy example and the wonders he wrought caused the Christian faith to spread rapidly.
When the martyr’s blood, which is preserved congealed in a glass vial, is brought in presence of his head, it liquefies and boils up in a wonderful manner, as if it had been but recently shed.
Innumerable witnesses have borne testimony to St. Joseph of Cupertino's life of continual ecstasies, wherein he was frequently seen raised high in the air.
St. Francis was the first to be chosen for this honor: but others were to follow; and henceforward, here and there through the world, the stigmata of Our Blessed Lord will ever be visible in the Church.
O adorable Cross, our glory and our love here on earth, save us on the day when thou shalt appear in the heavens, when the Son of Man, seated in his majesty, is to judge the world!
The holiness of St. Laurence Justinian's death was attested by angelic harmonies heard by several Carthusian monks; as also by the state of his body, which during the two months that it lay unburied, remained whole and incorrupt, of a lively color and breathing a sweet fragrance