Articles tagged donations

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The war in the Holy Land didn’t start on October 7: Here’s why

LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac sits down with independent journalist James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report. The two discuss the history underpinning the current Israel-Gaza conflict, Israel’s deplorable treatment of the Palestinians, the Zionist agenda, the events of 9/11, and more. Corbett details his findings on his website, which includes multiple articles, interviews, and even documentaries that are all available to the public for free. He operates off donations and benefits from any support: Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND […]
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Help Sr. Miriam save Kenyan children and teens from poverty

The slums of Nairobi, Kenya are being transformed into a wellspring of grace thanks to the efforts of Franciscan missionary Sr. Miriam Duggan and the support of LifeSiteNews viewers. Sr. Miriam is famous in Africa for her promotion of abstinence until marriage in the fight against AIDS and abortion. She has a special message of thanks for LifeSiteNews viewers, who have sponsored many of her students into technical training college in Nairobi. It costs $600 to pay for one student’s college fees, so please consider supporting her work and donating any amount today at