French faithful joyfully return to worship as churches reopen after more than two months in lockdown Masses resumed over the weekend in several dioceses, but some bishops have chosen to keep their churches closed. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • May 25, 2020Jun 18, 2021
France’s highest administrative court to hear Catholics’ case for overturning public Mass ban Despite other areas of society opening up like public transit and beaches, churches are still strictly forbidden from hosting public religious ceremonies. News Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent • May 12, 2020Jun 18, 2021
French Senate: Notre Dame Cathedral must be restored to ‘last known visual state’ A government funding request was approved that rules out 'inventive reconstruction,' as suggested by President Emmanuel Macron. News Martin M. Barillas • May 29, 2019Jun 18, 2021
Will France rebuild Notre Dame as a Catholic church? Secularism could win out over tradition in the reconstruction. News Martin M. Barillas • Apr 18, 2019Jun 18, 2021