Articles tagged Faith preservation

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Usurper? Second oldest bishop in the world weighs in on Francis

Explore the life of Bishop René Henri Gracida, the second oldest bishop in the world! Gracida spent decades defending the faith, the Church’s moral teaching, and her traditional liturgy. Over the last 10 years, he has played a significant role in responding to the troubling currents coming out of Rome and has spoken out on issues that threaten the integrity of the Church’s life. John-Henry explores Gracida’s perspective on the great question of the day: Is Francis the pope? Gracida’s contributions over his career and retirement make his voice one of significant importance in today’s debates and on the direction […]
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Blessed Sacrament procession at the Traditional Eucharistic Revival

On Friday, July 19, thousands of faithful Catholics gathered at Victory Field, White River State Park in Indianapolis, for the Traditional Eucharistic Revival. The event featured a Blessed Sacrament procession led by Father Jeff Fasching and joined by thousands of Catholic faithful. The revival aimed to deepen the understanding of the Eucharist, addressing concerns highlighted by a 2019 Pew Research study. Organized by Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace, the event emphasized defending Catholic beliefs and promoting the dignity of the human person. This inspiring gathering showcased the community’s devotion and commitment to preserving the sacred traditions of the faith. […]